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Astronomer Nathalie Degenaar of the Anton Pannekoek Institute receives a Vici. This was announced by research financier NWO. She will receive a maximum of 1.5 million euros to develop an innovative line of research in five years and to further expand her own research group. Degenaar studies the jets created by black holes and neutron stars.

The title of Nathalie Degenaar's project is “How the sloppy table manners of black holes and neutron stars shape our universe”. Black holes and neutron stars are notorious for their enormous gravity that allows them to devour anything near them. However, these cosmic cannibals are messy eaters and fling gas and energy into space via so-called jets. These carry such enormous power that they play a key role in our universe. For instance, jets determine how galaxies develop, produce ultra-fast particles and enrich the cosmos with exotic elements. How jets are launched and energized remains, however, a mystery. In this project, an innovative technique is applied to astronomical observations of large telescopes to enforce a breakthrough in understanding jets.


NWO Talent Program

The Vici funding, along with the Veni and Vidi grants, is part of the NWO Talent Program. Vici is aimed at senior researchers who have demonstrated their ability to successfully develop their own innovative line of research. In doing so, they have mentored young researchers. Researchers awarded a Vici grant further develop their research group, often in anticipation of a structural professorship position, if they would not already have one. In this funding round, 369 researchers applied for grants. Forty-three grants were awarded.