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With sidewalk astronomy we take a telescope into the city on a square or in a park to allow passers-by a view of the cosmos.

Stargazing requires clear skies and those are unfortunately not a given in the Netherlands. Our mobile telescopes and the faculty cargo bike allow us to be flexible and get out into the city if the weather is good. In summer this is usually with a solar telescope in a park, in other seasons at night at different locations to show the moon and planets.


Because sidewalk astronomy depends on the weather and the students' schedules, there is no schedule. Keep an eye on our social media channels to get updates on when and where we will be. At the bottom of this page are buttons linking to our accounts on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.


Omdat we afhankelijk zijn van het weer en de schema's van de studenten is er geen planning. Houd onze social media in de gaten om te weten wanneer we op pad gaan en waar we zullen staan. Onderaan deze pagina staan links naar onze accounts op Twitter, Facebook en Instagram.