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Dr. J. (Jacco) Vink

Faculty of Science
Anton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy
Photographer: Dirk Gillissen

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
Postal address
  • Postbus 94249
    1090 GE Amsterdam
  • Biography


    Jacco Vink is Associate Professor at the University of Amsterdam. After obtaining his PhD at University Utrecht in 1999, he worked at the Institute Potsdam and was NASA Chandra fellow at Columbia University in New York.  In 2005, after a brief position at SRON Utrecht, he became a faculty member at Utrecht University. In 2012 he was hired as a member of the UvA GRAPPA excellence center for astroparticle physics. He is an NWO Vidi grant recipient and was a member of the ESA Astronomical Working Group.  Currently he is a member of the ESA Science Study Team for the candidate satellite mission XIPE.

    Research and Teaching

    Jacco Vink works in the field of high-energy astrophysics, mostly studying supernova remnants, but he has also published on neutron stars, AGN, and clusters of galaxies. Although interested in all aspects of supernova remnants, from the freshly synthesized atoms they contain to their dynamics, he currently focuses on their cosmic-ray acceleration properties, both from theoretical and observational perspectives. His studies include almost the entire range of the spectrum: radio, optical, X-rays and gamma-rays. He is a member of the H.E.S.S. Collaboration, which operates the H.E.S.S. gamma-ray observatory. He has taught courses on cosmology, high-energy astrophysics, compact stars, and astroparticle physics.


    Supernova remnants, cosmic-ray acceleration, clusters of galaxies, gamma-rays, X-rays.

  • Publications


    • Aharonian, F., Ait Benkhali, F., Aschersleben, J., Ashkar, H., Backes, M., Baktash, A., Barbosa Martins, V., Barnard, J., Batzofin, R., Becherini, Y., Berge, D., Bernlöhr, K., Bi, B., Böttcher, M., Boisson, C., Bolmont, J., De Bony De Lavergne, M., Borowska, J., Bouyahiaoui, M., ... Żywucka, N. (2024). Unveiling extended gamma-ray emission around HESS J1813-178. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 686, Article A149.
    • Aharonian, F., Ait Benkhali, F., Aschersleben, J., Ashkar, H., Backes, M., Baktash, A., Barbosa Martins, V., Batzofin, R., Becherini, Y., Berge, D., Bernlöhr, K., Bi, B., Böttcher, M., Boisson, C., Bolmont, J., De Bony De Lavergne, M., Borowska, J., Bradascio, F., Breuhaus, M., ... Harding, A. (2024). Spectrum and extension of the inverse-Compton emission of the Crab Nebula from a combined Fermi -LAT and H.E.S.S. analysis. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 686, Article A308.
    • Aharonian, F., Berge, D., Vink, J., & H.E.S.S. Collaboration (2024). High-Statistics Measurement of the Cosmic-Ray Electron Spectrum with H.E.S.S. Physical Review Letters, 133(22), Article 221001. [details]
    • Arias, M., Zhou, P., Chiotellis, A., De Breuck, C., Domček, V., Boumis, P., Vink, J., Derlopa, S., & Akras, S. (2024). Two shell-and wing-shaped supernova remnants: Investigating the molecular environments around VRO 42.05.01 and G 350.0-2.0. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 684, Article A178.
    • Bobrikova, A., Salmi, T., Ng, C.-Y., Vink, J., & IXPE (2024). Discovery of a strong rotation of the X-ray polarization angle in the galactic burster GX 13+1. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 688, Article A170. [details]
    • Chen, C.-T. J., Liodakis, I., Middei, R., Kim, D. E., Di Gesu, L., Di Marco, A., Ehlert, S. R., Errando, M., Negro, M., Jorstad, S. G., Marscher, A. P., Wu, K., Agudo, I., Poutanen, J., Mizuno, T., Kouch, P. M., Lindfors, E., Borman, G. A., Grishina, T. S., ... Zane, S. (2024). X-Ray and Multiwavelength Polarization of Mrk 501 from 2022 to 2023. Astrophysical Journal, 974(1), 50.
    • Churazov, E., Khabibullin, I., Barnouin, T., Bucciantini, N., Costa, E., Di Gesu, L., Di Marco, A., Ferrazzoli, R., Forman, W., Kaaret, P., Kim, D. E., Kolodziejczak, J. J., Kraft, R., Marin, F., Matt, G., Negro, M., Romani, R. W., Silvestri, S., Soffitta, P., ... Zane, S. (2024). Pulsar-wind-nebula-powered Galactic center X-ray filament G0.13- 0.11: Proof of the synchrotron nature by IXPE. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 686, Article A14.
    • Collaboration, X., Audard, M., Awaki, H., Ballhausen, R., Bamba, A., Behar, E., Boissay-Malaquin, R., Brenneman, L., Brown, G. V., Corrales, L., Costantini, E., Cumbee, R., Diaz Trigo, M., Done, C., Dotani, T., Ebisawa, K., Eckart, M. E., Eckert, D., Enoto, T., ... Hagen, S. (2024). XRISM Spectroscopy of the Fe Kalpha Emission Line in the Seyfert Active Galactic Nucleus NGC 4151 Reveals the Disk, Broad-line Region, and Torus. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 973(1), L25.
    • Dang, L. X., Zhou, P., Sun, L., Mao, J., Vink, J., Zhang, Q. Q., & Domček, V. (2024). Typing supernova remnant G352.7−0.1 using XMM–Newton X-ray observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 529(4), 4117-4127.
    • De Looze, I., Milisavljevic, D., Temim, T., Dickinson, D., Fesen, R., Arendt, R. G., Chastenet, J., Orlando, S., Vink, J., Barlow, M. J., Kirchschlager, F., Priestley, F. D., Raymond, J. C., Rho, J., Sartorio, N. S., Scheffler, T., Schmidt, F., Blair, W. P., Fox, O., ... Sravan, N. (2024). The Green Monster Hiding in Front of Cas A: JWST Reveals a Dense and Dusty Circumstellar Structure Pockmarked by Ejecta Interactions. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 976(1), Article L4. [details]
    • Fabiani, S., Capitanio, F., Iaria, R., Gnarini, A., Ursini, F., Farinelli, R., Bobrikova, A., Steiner, J. F., Svoboda, J., Anitra, A., Baglio, M. C., Carotenuto, F., Santo, M. D., Ferrigno, C., Lewis, F., Russell, D. M., Russell, T. D., Van Den Eijnden, J., Cocchi, M., ... Kitaguchi, T. (2024). Discovery of a variable energy-dependent X-ray polarization in the accreting neutron star GX 5-1. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 684, Article A137.
    • Ferrazzoli, R., Prokhorov, D., Bucciantini, N., Slane, P., Vink, J., Cardillo, M., Yang, Y. J., Silvestri, S., Zhou, P., Costa, E., Omodei, N., Ng, C. Y., Soffitta, P., Weisskopf, M. C., Baldini, L., Marco, A. D., Doroshenko, V., Heyl, J., Kaaret, P., ... Zane, S. (2024). Discovery of a Shock-compressed Magnetic Field in the Northwestern Rim of the Young Supernova Remnant RX J1713.7–3946 with X-Ray Polarimetry. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 967(2), Article L38.
    • Forsblom, S. V., Ng, C.-Y., Vink, J., & IXPE (2024). Probing the polarized emission from SMC X-1: The brightest X-ray pulsar observed by IXPE. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 691, Article A216. [details]
    • Ganushkina, N. Y., van de Kamp, M., Hoppe, T., Dubyagin, S., Gedalin, M., Dimmock, A., Lalti, A., Khotyaintsev, Y. V., Graham, D. B., Vink, J., & Russell, C. T. (2024). SHARP Shock Database. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 129(7), Article e2024JA032625. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration (2024). Curvature in the very-high energy gamma-ray spectrum of M 87. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 685, Article A96.
    • Heyl, J., Ng, C. Y., Vink, J., & IXPE (2024). Complex rotational dynamics of the neutron star in Hercules X-1 revealed by X-ray polarization. Nature Astronomy, 8(8), 1047-1053. [details]
    • Hopkins, J. L., McIntosh, P. D., Vink, J., Slee, A., & Moss, P. (2024). First detection in Australia of cryptotephra likely to be derived from the 25.6 ka ruanui supereruption in New Zealand. Quaternary Science Reviews, 341, 108856.
    • Ingram, A., Bollemeijer, N., Veledina, A., Dovčiak, M., Poutanen, J., Egron, E., Russell, T. D., Trushkin, S. A., Negro, M., Ratheesh, A., Capitanio, F., Connors, R., Neilsen, J., Kraus, A., Iacolina, M. N., Pellizzoni, A., Pilia, M., Carotenuto, F., Matt, G., ... Xie, F. (2024). Tracking the X-Ray Polarization of the Black Hole Transient Swift J1727.8-1613 during a State Transition. Astrophysical Journal, 968(2), Article 76.
    • Jaitly, A., Ashkar, H., Bradascio, F., Kostunin, D., Rowell, G., Schüssler, F., & H.E.S.S. Collaboration (2024). Searching for gamma-ray counterparts of FRBs with H.E.S.S. Proceedings of Science, 444, Article 776. [details]
    • Kouch, P. M., Ng, C. Y., Vink, J., & IXPE (2024). IXPE observation of PKS 2155–304 reveals the most highly polarized blazar. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 689, Article A119. [details]
    • Lu, W.-J., Zhou, P., Wang, P., Shao, Y.-X., Li, X., Vink, J., Li, D., & Chen, Y. (2024). Upper Limits on the Radio Pulses from Magnetars and a Central Compact Object with FAST. Astrophysical Journal, 963(2), 151.
    • Marin, F., Vink, J., & IXPE (2024). X-ray polarization measurement of the gold standard of radio-quiet active galactic nuclei: NGC 1068. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 689, Article A238. [details]
    • Marra, L., Brigitte, M., Cavero, N. R., Chun, S., Steiner, J. F., Dovčiak, M., Nowak, M., Bianchi, S., Capitanio, F., Ingram, A., Matt, G., Muleri, F., Podgorný, J., Poutanen, J., Svoboda, J., Taverna, R., Ursini, F., Veledina, A., De Rosa, A., ... Xie, F. (2024). IXPE observation confirms a high spin in the accreting black hole 4U 1957+115. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 684, Article A95.
    • Marshall, H. L., Ng, C. .-Y., Vink, J., & IXPE (2024). Observations of Low and Intermediate Spectral Peak Blazars with the Imaging X-Ray Polarimetry Explorer. Astrophysical Journal, 972(1), Article 74. [details]
    • Matsuura, M., Boyer, M., Arendt, R. G., Larsson, J., Fransson, C., Rest, A., Ravi, A. P., Park, S., Cigan, P., Temim, T., Dwek, E., Barlow, M. J., Bouchet, P., Clayton, G., Chevalier, R., Danziger, J., De Buizer, J., De Looze, I., De Marchi, G., ... Burrows, D. (2024). Deep JWST/NIRCam imaging of Supernova 1987A. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 532(4), 3625-3642. [details]
    • Milisavljevic, D., Temim, T., De Looze, I., Dickinson, D., Laming, J. M., Fesen, R., Raymond, J. C., Arendt, R. G., Vink, J., Posselt, B., Pavlov, G. G., Fox, O. D., Pinarski, E., Subrayan, B., Schmidt, J., Blair, W. P., Rest, A., Patnaude, D., Koo, B. C., ... Wheeler, J. C. (2024). A JWST Survey of the Supernova Remnant Cassiopeia A. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 965(2), Article L27.
    • Mitchell, A. M. W., Caroff, S., H.E.S.S. Collaboration, & Berge, D. (2024). Modelling of highly extended Gamma-ray emission around the Geminga Pulsar as detected with H.E.S.S. Proceedings of Science, 444, Article 590. [details]
    • Moulin, E., Montanari, A., & H.E.S.S. Collaboration (2024). Search for dark matter annihilation line signals with the H.E.S.S. Inner Galaxy Survey. Proceedings of Science, 444, Article 1424. [details]
    • Narita, T., Uchida, H., Vink, J., Katsuda, S., Umeda, H., Yoshida, T., Sato, T., Matsunaga, K., & Tsuru, T. G. (2024). Evidence for Type Ib/c Origin of the Supernova Remnant G292.0+1.8. Astrophysical Journal, 976(1), Article 146. [details]
    • Poutanen, J., Ng, C.-Y., Vink, J., & IXPE (2024). Studying geometry of the ultraluminous X-ray pulsar Swift J0243.6+6124 using X-ray and optical polarimetry. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 691, Article A123. [details]
    • Prokhorov, D. A., Lee, S. H., Nagataki, S., Vink, J., Ellison, D. C., Ferrand, G., Patnaude, D. J., Roepke, F. K., Seitenzahl, I. R., Slane, P. O., & CTA Consortium (2024). Potential of the Cherenkov Telescope Array for studying the young nearby supernova remnants. Proceedings of Science, 444, Article 824. [details]
    • Prokhorov, D. A., Vink, J., Ng, C. Y., & IXPE (2024). Evidence for a shock-compressed magnetic field in the northwestern rim of Vela Jr. from X-ray polarimetry. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 692, Article A59. [details]
    • Rho, J., Park, S.-H., Arendt, R., Matsuura, M., Milisavljevic, D., Temim, T., De Looze, I., Blair, W. P., Rest, A., Fox, O., Ravi, A. P., Koo, B.-C., Barlow, M., Burrows, A., Chevalier, R., Clayton, G., Fesen, R., Fransson, C., Fryer, C., ... Yoon, S. C. (2024). Shockingly Bright Warm Carbon Monoxide Molecular Features in the Supernova Remnant Cassiopeia A Revealed by JWST. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 969(1), Article L9. [details]
    • Saade, M. L., Kaaret, P., Gnarini, A., Poutanen, J., Ursini, F., Bianchi, S., Bobrikova, A., Monaca, F. L., Marco, A. D., Capitanio, F., Veledina, A., Agudo, I., Antonelli, L. A., Bachetti, M., Baldini, L., Baumgartner, W. H., Bellazzini, R., Bongiorno, S. D., Bonino, R., ... Zane, S. (2024). X-Ray Polarimetry of the Dipping Accreting Neutron Star 4U1624–49. Astrophysical Journal, 963(2), Article 133.
    • Schüssler, F., Ashkar, H., Bernardini, E., Berti, A., Bradascio, F., Buson, S., Dorner, D., Jin, W., Kukec Mezek, G., Santander, M., Satalecka, K., Schleicher, B., Senniappan, M., Viale, I., FACT Collaboration, H.E.S.S. Collaboration, IceCube Collaboration, MAGIC Collaboration, & VERITAS Collaboration (2024). Joint searches by FACT, H.E.S.S., MAGIC and VERITAS for VHE gamma-ray emission associated with neutrinos detected by IceCube. Proceedings of Science, 444, Article 1501. [details]
    • Silvestri, S., Baldini, L., Bucciantini, N., Di Lalla, N., Ferrazzoli, R., Manfreda, A., Prokhorov, D., Vink, J., Yang, Y.-J., & Zhou, P. (2024). Technical challenges in the analysis of extended sources with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) telescope. In EAS2024 (pp. 1465)
    • Slane, P., Ferrazzoli, R., Zhou, P., & Vink, J. (2024). Probing Magnetic Fields in Young Supernova Remnants with IXPE. Galaxies, 12(5), Article 59. [details]
    • Soffitta, P., Baldini, L., Baumgartner, W., Bellazzini, R., Bongiorno, S. D., Bucciantini, N., Costa, E., Dovčiak, M., Ehlert, S., Kaaret, P. E., Kolodziejczak, J. J., Latronico, L., Marin, F., Marscher, A. P., Marshall, H. L., Matt, G., Muleri, F., O'Dell, S. L., Poutanen, J., ... Zane, S. (2024). The imaging x-ray polarimetry explorer 2.5 years later. In J.-W. A. den Herder, S. Nikzad, & K. Nakazawa (Eds.), Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray: 16-21 June 2024, Yokohama, Japan (Vol. 2). Article 13093 2I (Proceedings of SPIE; Vol. 13093). SPIE.
    • Steiner, J. F., Ingram, A., Ng, C.-Y., Russell, D. M., Vink, J., & IXPE (2024). An IXPE-led X-Ray Spectropolarimetric Campaign on the Soft State of Cygnus X-1: X-Ray Polarimetric Evidence for Strong Gravitational Lensing. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 969(2), Article L30. [details]
    • Tashiro, M., Costantini, E., den Herder, J.-W., Vink, J., & XRISM team (2024). Development and operation status of X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM). In J.-WA. den Herder, S. Nikzad, & K. Nakazawa (Eds.), Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray: 16-21 June 2024, Yokohama, Japan (Vol. 1). Article 13093 1G (Proceedings of SPIE; Vol. 13093). SPIE. [details]
    • The CTA consortium (2024). Prospects for a survey of the galactic plane with the Cherenkov Telescope Array. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2024(10), Article 081. [details]
    • Trois, A., Rol, E., Berge, D., Vink, J., & Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (2024). Status of the small-sized telescopes programme for the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory. In H. K. Marshall, J. Spyromilio, & T. Usuda (Eds.), Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes X: 16-21 June 2024, Yokohama, Japan (Vol. 3). Article 13094 3Y (Proceedings of SPIE; Vol. 13094). SPIE. [details]
    • Veledina, A., Ingram, A., Ng, C. Y., Vink, J., & IXPE (2024). Cygnus X-3 revealed as a Galactic ultraluminous X-ray source by IXPE. Nature Astronomy, 8(8), 1031-1046. [details]
    • Vink, J. (2024). Smoothing techniques for X-ray polarization studies of diffuse emission. In EAS2024 (pp. 2487)
    • Vink, J. (2024). The potential role of second order Fermi acceleration in Galactic PeVatron candidates. In EAS2024 (pp. 400)
    • Vink, J., & Bamba, A. (2024). Nonthermal Processes and Particle Acceleration in Supernova Remnants. In Handbook of X-ray and Gamma-ray Astrophysics (pp. 3497-3529). Springer.,
    • Vink, J., Agarwal, M., Slane, P., De Looze, I., Milisavljevic, D., Patnaude, D., & Temim, T. (2024). X-Ray Diagnostics of Cassiopeia A’s “Green Monster”: Evidence for Dense Shocked Circumstellar Plasma. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 964(1), Article L11.
    • Wach, T., Mitchell, A. M. W., Joshi, V., Funk, S., & H.E.S.S. Collaboration (2024). Joint H.E.S.S. and Fermi-LAT analysis of the region around PSR J1813-1749. Proceedings of Science, 444, Article 589. [details]
    • Wong, J., Yang, Y.-J., Ng, C. .-Y., Vink, J., & IXPE (2024). Analysis of Crab X-Ray Polarization Using Deeper Imaging X-Ray Polarimetry Explorer Observations. Astrophysical Journal, 973(2), Article 172. [details]
    • XRISM Collaboration, Audard, M., Vink, J., & Agarwal, M. (2024). The XRISM first-light observation: Velocity structure and thermal properties of the supernova remnant N 132D. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 76(6), Article psae080. [details]
    • Xie, F., Wong, J., La Monaca, F., Romani, R. W., Heyl, J., Kaaret, P., Di Marco, A., Bucciantini, N., Liu, K., Ng, C.-Y., Di Lalla, N., Weisskopf, M. C., Costa, E., Soffitta, P., Muleri, F., Bachetti, M., Pilia, M., Rankin, J., Fabiani, S., ... Arzoumanian, Z. (2024). First Detection of Polarization in X-Rays for PSR B0540-69 and Its Nebula. Astrophysical Journal, 962(1), 92.





    • Aab, A., de Jong, S. J., De Mauro, G., Timmermans, C., Vink, J., & The Pierre Auger Collaboration (2020). Measurement of the cosmic-ray energy spectrum above 2.5 ×1018 eV using the Pierre Auger Observatory. Physical Review D, 102(6), Article 62005. [details]
    • Abdalla, H., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokhorov, D. A., Prokoph, H., Simoni, R., Vink, J., & H.E.S.S. Collaboration (2020). Probing the Magnetic Field in the GW170817 Outflow Using H.E.S.S. Observations. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 894(2), Article L16. [details]
    • Abdalla, H., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokhorov, D. A., Prokoph, H., Simoni, R., Vink, J., & H.E.S.S. Collaboration (2020). Simultaneous observations of the blazar PKS 2155-304 from ultra-violet to TeV energies. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 639, Article A42. [details]
    • Abdalla, H., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokhorov, D. A., Prokoph, H., Simoni, R., Vink, J., & H.E.S.S. Collaboration (2020). Very high energy γ-ray emission from two blazars of unknown redshift and upper limits on their distance. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 494(4), 5590-5602. [details]
    • Abdallah, H., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokoph, H., Simoni, R., Vink, J., & H.E.S.S. Collaboration (2020). Search for dark matter signals towards a selection of recently detected DES dwarf galaxy satellites of the Milky Way with H.E.S.S. Physical Review D, 102(6), Article 062001. [details]
    • Greco, E., Vink, J., Miceli, M., Orlando, S., Domček, V., Zhou, P., Bocchino, F., & Peres, G. (2020). Unveiling pure-metal ejecta X-ray emission in supernova remnants through their radiative recombination continuum. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 638, Article A101. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration (2020). An extreme particle accelerator in the Galactic plane: HESS J1826-130. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 644, Article A112. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration (2020). Detection of very-high-energy γ-ray emission from the colliding wind binary η Car with H.E.S.S. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 635, Article A167. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration (2020). H.E.S.S. and Fermi-LAT observations of PSR B1259-63/LS 2883 during its 2014 and 2017 periastron passages. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 633, Article A102. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration (2020). H.E.S.S. detection of very high-energy γ-ray emission from the quasar PKS 0736+017. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 633, Article A162. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration (2020). Resolving the Crab pulsar wind nebula at teraelectronvolt energies. Nature Astronomy, 4(2), 167–173. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Li, J-T., Decourchelle, A., Miceli, M., Vink, J., & Bocchino, F. (2020). Erratum: 'XMM-newton large program on SN1006 - II: Thermal emission' (2016, MNRAS, 462, 158). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 499(1), 862-863.
    • Li, J-T., Decourchelle, A., Miceli, M., Vink, J., & Bocchino, F. (2020). Erratum: XMM-Newton large program on SN1006 - I. Methods and initial results of spatially resolved spectroscopy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 499(4), 5679-5681.
    • Phan, V. H. M., Gabici, S., Morlino, G., Terrier, R., Vink, J., Krause, J., & Menu, M. (2020). Constraining the cosmic ray spectrum in the vicinity of the supernova remnant W28: from sub-GeV to multi-TeV energies. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 635, Article A40. [details]
    • Pierre Auger Collaboration (2020). A Search for Ultra-high-energy Neutrinos from TXS 0506+056 Using the Pierre Auger Observatory. Astrophysical Journal, 902(2), Article 105. [details]
    • Pierre Auger collaboration (2020). Reconstruction of events recorded with the surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory. Journal of Instrumentation, 15(10), Article P10021. [details]
    • Sano, H., Plucinsky, P. P., Bamba, A., Sharda, P., Filipović, M. D., Law, C. J., Alsaberi, R. Z. E., Yamane, Y., Tokuda, K., Acero, F., Sasaki, M., Vink, J., Inoue, T., Inutsuka, S., Shimoda, J., Tsuge, K., Fujii, K., Voisin, F., Maxted, N., ... Fukui, Y. (2020). ALMA CO Observations of Gamma-Ray Supernova Remnant N132D in the Large Magellanic Cloud: Possible Evidence for Shocked Molecular Clouds Illuminated by Cosmic-Ray Protons. Astrophysical Journal, 902(1), Article 53. [details]
    • Tashiro, M., den Herder, J-W., Vink, J., & XRISM Development team (2020). Status of x-ray imaging and spectroscopy mission (XRISM). In J-WA. den Herder, S. Nikzad, & K. Nakazawa (Eds.), Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020 : Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray: 14-18 December 2020, online only, California, United States (Vol. 1). Article 1144422 (Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering; Vol. 11444). SPIE. [details]
    • The H.E.S.S. Collaboration (2020). Resolving acceleration to very high energies along the jet of Centaurus A. Nature, 582(7812), 356-359. [details]
    • The Pierre Auger collaboration (2020). Studies on the response of a water-Cherenkov detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory to atmospheric muons using an RPC hodoscope. Journal of Instrumentation, 15(09), Article P09002., [details]
    • Zhou, P., Zhou, X., Chen, Y., Wang, J-S., Vink, J., & Wang, Y. (2020). Revisiting the Distance, Environment, and Supernova Properties of SNR G57.2+0.8 that Hosts SGR 1935+2154. Astrophysical Journal, 905(2), Article 99. [details]
    • de Gasperin, F., Vink, J., McKean, J. P., Asgekar, A., Avruch, I., Bentum, M. J., Blaauw, R., Bonafede, A., Broderick, J. W., Brüggen, M., Breitling, F., Brouw, W. N., Butcher, H. R., Ciardi, B., Cuciti, V., de Vos, M., Duscha, S., Eislöffel, J., Engels, D., ... Zucca, P. (2020). Cassiopeia A, Cygnus A, Taurus A, and Virgo A at ultra-low radio frequencies. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 635, Article A150. [details]


    • Abdalla, H., Adam, R., Aharonian, F., Ait Benkhali, F., Angüner, E. O., Arakawa, M., Arcaro, C., Armand, C., Ashkar, H., Backes, M., Barbosa Martins, V., Barnard, M., Becherini, Y., Berge, D., Bernlöhr, K., Bissaldi, E., Blackwell, R., Böttcher, M., Boisson, C., ... Roberts, O. J. (2019). A very-high-energy component deep in the γ-ray burst afterglow. Nature, 575(7783), 464-467. [details]
    • Abdalla, H., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokhorov, D. A., Prokoph, H., Simoni, R., Vink, J., & H.E.S.S. Collaboration (2019). VHE γ-ray discovery and multiwavelength study of the blazar 1ES 2322-409. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 482(3), 3011-3022. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Abdalla, H., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokhorov, D., Prokoph, H., Simoni, R., Vink, J., & H.E.S.S. Collaboration (2019). The 2014 TeV γ-Ray Flare of Mrk 501 Seen with H.E.S.S.: Temporal and Spectral Constraints on Lorentz Invariance Violation. Astrophysical Journal, 870(2), Article 93. [details]
    • Acharyya, A., Congiu, E., Gaggero, D., Heller, M., Kobayashi, Y., Ou, Z., Prokoph, H., Vink, J., & CTA Consortium (2019). Monte Carlo studies for the optimisation of the Cherenkov Telescope Array layout. Astroparticle Physics, 111, 35-53. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Arias, M., Domček, V., Zhou, P., & Vink, J. (2019). The environment of supernova remnant VRO 42.05.01 as probed with IRAM 30m molecular line observations. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 627, Article A75. [details]
    • Arias, M., Vink, J., Iacobelli, M., Domček, V., Haverkorn, M., Oonk, J. B. R., Polderman, I., Reich, W., White, G. J., & Zhou, P. (2019). A low-frequency view of mixed-morphology supernova remnant VRO 42.05.01, and its neighbourhood. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 622, Article A6. [details]
    • Arias, M., Vink, J., Zhou, P., de Gasperin, F., Hardcastle, M. J., & Shimwell, T. W. (2019). Low-frequency Radio Absorption in Tycho’s Supernova Remnant. Astronomical Journal, 158(6), Article 253. [details]
    • Cesur, N., Sezer, A., de Plaa, J., & Vink, J. (2019). A study of the composite supernova remnant MSH 15-56 with Suzaku. Advances in Space Research, 64(3), 759-764. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration (2019). H.E.S.S. observations of the flaring gravitationally lensed galaxy PKS 1830-211. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 486(3), 3886-3891. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration, Abdalla, H., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokhorov, D. A., Prokoph, H., Simoni, R., & Vink, J. (2019). Constraints on the emission region of 3C 279 during strong flares in 2014 and 2015 through VHE γ-ray observations with H.E.S.S. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 627, Article A159. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration, Abdalla, H., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokhorov, D. A., Prokoph, H., Simoni, R., & Vink, J. (2019). H.E.S.S. and Suzaku observations of the Vela X pulsar wind nebula. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 627, Article A100. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration, Abdalla, H., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokhorov, D. A., Prokoph, H., Simoni, R., & Vink, J. (2019). Particle transport within the pulsar wind nebula HESS J1825-137. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 621, Article A116. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration, Abdalla, H., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokhorov, D. A., Prokoph, H., Simoni, R., & Vink, J. (2019). Upper limits on very-high-energy gamma-ray emission from core-collapse supernovae observed with H.E.S.S. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 626, Article A57. [details]
    • Kavanagh, P. J., Vink, J., Sasaki, M., Chu, Y-H., Filipović, M. D., Ohm, S., Haberl, F., Manojlovic, P., & Maggi, P. (2019). Magnetic field estimates from the X-ray synchrotron emitting rims of the 30 Dor C superbubble and the implications for the nature of 30 Dor C's TeV emission. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 621, Article A138. [details]
    • The Pierre Auger collaboration (2019). Measurement of the average shape of longitudinal profiles of cosmic-ray air showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 03(03), Article 18. [details]
    • Zhou, P., Vink, J., Safi-Harb, S., & Miceli, M. (2019). Spatially resolved X-ray study of supernova remnants that host magnetars: Implication of their fossil field origin. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 629, Article A51. [details]
    • in ’t Zand, J. J. M., Maccarone, T. J., Rowlinson, A., Tauris, T. M., Zhou, P., Altamirano, D., Bilous, A., Casella, P., Cavecchi, Y., Chambers, F., Costantini, E., Degenaar, N., Di Salvo, T., Götz, D., Homan, J., Jonker, P. G., Linares, M., Stappers, B. W., Vink, J., ... eXTP Mission (2019). Observatory science with eXTP. Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 62(2), Article 29506. [details]


    • Abdallah, H., Balzer, A., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Edwards, T., Prokoph, H., Simoni, R., Vink, J., & H.E.S.S. Collaboration (2018). Search for γ -Ray Line Signals from Dark Matter Annihilations in the Inner Galactic Halo from 10 Years of Observations with H.E.S.S. Physical Review Letters, 120(20), Article 201101. [details]
    • Arias, M., Vink, J., de Gasperin, F., Salas, P., Oonk, J. B. R., van Weeren, R. J., van Amesfoort, A. S., Anderson, J., Beck, R., Bell, M. E., Bentum, M. J., Best, P., Blaauw, R., Breitling, F., Broderick, J. W., Brouw, W. N., Brüggen, M., Butcher, H. R., Ciardi, B., ... Zucca, P. (2018). Low-frequency radio absorption in Cassiopeia A. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 612, Article A110. [details]
    • Driessen, L. N., Domček, V., Vink, J., Hessels, J. W. T., Arias, M., & Gelfand, J. D. (2018). Investigating Galactic Supernova Remnant Candidates Using LOFAR. Astrophysical Journal, 860(2), Article 133. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration, Abdalla, H., Balzer, A. K., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokoph, H., Salek, D., Simoni, R., & Vink, J. (2018). Extended VHE γ-ray emission towards SGR1806-20, LBV 1806-20, and stellar cluster Cl* 1806-20. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 612, Article A11. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration, Abdalla, H., Balzer, A., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Edwards, T., Prokoph, H., Salek, D., Simoni, R., & Vink, J. (2018). H.E.S.S. discovery of very high energy γ -ray emission from PKS 0625-354. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 476(3), 4187-4198. Advance online publication. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration, Abdalla, H., Balzer, A., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Edwards, T., Prokoph, H., Simoni, R., Vink, J., & Fermi-LAT Collaborators (2018). The γ-ray spectrum of the core of Centaurus A as observed with H.E.S.S. and Fermi-LAT. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 619, Article A71. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration, Abdalla, H., Balzer, A., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokoph, H., Salek, D., Simoni, R., & Vink, J. (2018). A search for new supernova remnant shells in the Galactic plane with H.E.S.S. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 612, Article A8. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration, Abdalla, H., Balzer, A., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokoph, H., Salek, D., Simoni, R., & Vink, J. (2018). A search for very high-energy flares from the microquasars GRS 1915+105, Circinus X-1, and V4641 Sgr using contemporaneous H.E.S.S. and RXTE observations. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 612, Article A8. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration, Abdalla, H., Balzer, A., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokoph, H., Salek, D., Simoni, R., & Vink, J. (2018). Characterising the VHE diffuse emission in the central 200 parsecs of our Galaxy with H.E.S.S. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 612, Article A9. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration, Abdalla, H., Balzer, A., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokoph, H., Salek, D., Simoni, R., & Vink, J. (2018). Deeper H.E.S.S. observations of Vela Junior (RX J0852.0-4622): Morphology studies and resolved spectroscopy. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 612, Article A7. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration, Abdalla, H., Balzer, A., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokoph, H., Salek, D., Simoni, R., & Vink, J. (2018). H.E.S.S. observations of RX J1713.7-3946 with improved angular and spectral resolution: Evidence for gamma-ray emission extending beyond the X-ray emitting shell. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 612, Article A6. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration, Abdalla, H., Balzer, A., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokoph, H., Salek, D., Simoni, R., & Vink, J. (2018). The population of TeV pulsar wind nebulae in the H.E.S.S. Galactic Plane Survey. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 612, Article A2. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration, Abdalla, H., Balzer, A., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokoph, H., Salek, D., Simoni, R., Vink, J., & Fermi-LAT Collaboration (2018). The supernova remnant W49B as seen with H.E.S.S. and Fermi-LAT. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 612, Article A5. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration, Abdalla, H., Balzer, A., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokoph, H., Simoni, R., & Vink, J. (2018). Population study of Galactic supernova remnants at very high γ-ray energies with H.E.S.S. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 612, Article A3. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration, Abdalla, H., Balzer, A., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokoph, H., Simoni, R., & Vink, J. (2018). Systematic search for very-high-energy gamma-ray emission from bow shocks of runaway stars. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 612, Article A12. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration, Abdalla, H., Balzer, A., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokoph, H., Simoni, R., & Vink, J. (2018). The H.E.S.S. Galactic plane survey. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 612, Article A1. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration, Abdalla, H., Balzer, A., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokoph, H., Simoni, R., Vink, J., & NANTEN Collaboration (2018). HESS J1741-302: a hidden accelerator in the Galactic plane. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 612, Article A13. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration, Abdalla, H., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokoph, H., Simoni, R., & Vink, J. (2018). First ground-based measurement of sub-20 GeV to 100 GeV γ-Rays from the Vela pulsar with H.E.S.S. II. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 620, Article A66. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration, Abdalla, H., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokoph, H., Simoni, R., & Vink, J. (2018). The starburst galaxy NGC 253 revisited by H.E.S.S. and Fermi-LAT. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 617, Article A73. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration, Abramowski, A., Balzer, A., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokoph, H., Salek, D., Simoni, R., & Vink, J. (2018). Detailed spectral and morphological analysis of the shell type supernova remnant RCW 86. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 612, Article A4. [details]
    • Li, J-T., Ballet, J., Miceli, M., Zhou, P., Vink, J., Chen, Y., Acero, F., Decourchelle, A., & Bregman, J. N. (2018). Spatially Resolved Broadband Synchrotron Emission from the Nonthermal Limbs of SN1006. Astrophysical Journal, 864(1), Article 85. [details]
    • MAGIC Collaboration, Ahnen, M. L., H.E.S.S. Collaboration, Balzer, A., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokoph, H., Salek, D., Simoni, R., & Vink, J. (2018). Constraints on particle acceleration in SS433/W50 from MAGIC and H.E.S.S. observations. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 612, Article A14. [details]
    • Storm, E., Vink, J., Zandanel, F., & Akamatsu, H. (2018). XMM-Newton observations of the Southeastern radio relic in Abell 3667. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 479(1), 553-561. Advance online publication. [details]
    • The H.E.S.S. collaboration, Cirelli, M., Panci, P., Sala, F., Silk, J., & Taoso, M. (2018). Searches for gamma-ray lines and 'pure WIMP' spectra from Dark Matter annihilations in dwarf galaxies with H.E.S.S. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 11(11), Article 37. [details]
    • Van Eck, C. L., Haverkorn, M., Alves, M. I. R., Beck, R., Best, P., Carretti, E., Chyży, K. T., Farnes, J. S., Ferrière, K., Hardcastle, M. J., Heald, G., Horellou, C., Iacobelli, M., Jelić, V., Mulcahy, D. D., O'Sullivan, S. P., Polderman, I. M., Reich, W., Riseley, C. J., ... White, G. J. (2018). Polarized point sources in the LOFAR Two-meter Sky Survey: A preliminary catalog. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 613, Article A58. [details]
    • Vink, J., & Zhou, P. (2018). Practical Aspects of X-ray Imaging Polarimetry of Supernova Remnants and Other Extended Sources. Galaxies, 6(2), Article 46. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Zhou, P., & Vink, J. (2018). Asymmetric Type-Ia supernova origin of W49B as revealed from spatially resolved X-ray spectroscopic study. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 615, Article A150. [details]
    • Zhou, P., Li, J-T., Zhang, Z-Y., Vink, J., Chen, Y., Arias, M., Patnaude, D., & Bregman, J. N. (2018). Molecular Gas toward Supernova Remnant Cassiopeia A. Astrophysical Journal, 865(1), Article 6. [details]
    • Zhou, P., Vink, J., Li, G., & Domček, V. (2018). G7.7–3.7: A Young Supernova Remnant Probably Associated with the Guest Star in 386 CE (SN 386). Astrophysical Journal Letters, 865(1), Article L6. [details]


    • Abdalla, H., Balzer, A., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokoph, H., Simoni, R., Vink, J., & H.E.S.S. Collaboration (2017). TeV Gamma-Ray Observations of the Binary Neutron Star Merger GW170817 with H.E.S.S. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 850(2), Article L22. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Akamatsu, H., Mizuno, M., Ota, N., Zhang, Y-Y., van Weeren, R. J., Kawahara, H., Fukazawa, Y., Kaastra, J. S., Kawaharada, M., Nakazawa, K., Ohashi, T., Röttgering, H. J. A., Takizawa, M., Vink, J., & Zandanel, F. (2017). Suzaku observations of the merging galaxy cluster Abell 2255: The northeast radio relic. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 600, Article A100. [details]
    • Dournaux, J. L., Balzer, A., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Markoff, S., Stephan, M., Vink, J., & CTA Consortium (2017). Operating performance of the gamma-ray Cherenkov telescope: An end-to-end Schwarzschild-Couder telescope prototype for the Cherenkov Telescope Array. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A - Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 845, 355-358. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration, Abdalla, H., Balzer, A., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Edwards, T., Prokoph, H., Salek, D., Simoni, R., & Vink, J. (2017). First limits on the very-high energy gamma-ray afterglow emission of a fast radio burst: H.E.S.S. observations of FRB 150418. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 597, Article A115. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration, Abdalla, H., Balzer, A., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokoph, H., Salek, D., Simoni, R., & Vink, J. (2017). Characterizing the γ-ray long-term variability of PKS 2155-304 with H.E.S.S. and Fermi-LAT. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 598, Article A39. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration, Abdalla, H., Balzer, A., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokoph, H., Salek, D., Simoni, R., & Vink, J. (2017). Measurement of the EBL spectral energy distribution using the VHE γ-ray spectra of H.E.S.S. blazars. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 606, Article A59. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration, Abdalla, H., Balzer, A., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokoph, H., Salek, D., Simoni, R., Vink, J., LAT Collaboration, & Ackermann, M. (2017). Gamma-ray blazar spectra with H.E.S.S. II mono analysis: The case of PKS 2155-304 and PG 1553+113. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 600, Article A89. [details]
    • Itahana, M., Takizawa, M., Akamatsu, H., van Weeren, R. J., Kawahara, H., Fukazawa, Y., Kaastra, J. S., Nakazawa, K., Ohashi, T., Ota, N., Röttgering, H. J. A., Vink, J., & Zandanel, F. (2017). Suzaku and Chandra observations of the galaxy cluster RXC J1053.7+5453 with a radio relic. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 69(6), Article 88. Advance online publication. [details]
    • LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration, Fermi GBM, INTEGRAL, Icecube Collaboration, AstroSat Cadmium Zinc Telluride Imager Team, IPN Collaboration, The Insight-HXMT Collaboration, ANTARES Collaboration, The SWIFT Collaboration, AGILE Team, The 1M2H Team, The Dark Energy Camera GW-EM Collaboration and the DES Collaboration, The DLT40 Collaboration, The GRAvitational Wave Inaf TeAm (GRAWITA), The Fermi Large Area Telescope Collaboration, ATCA: Australia Telescope Compact Array, ASKAP: Australian SKA Pathfinder, Las Cumbres Observatory Group, OzGrav, ... SKA South Africa/MeerKAT (2017). Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 848(2), Article L12. [details]
    • Lau, J. C., Rowell, G., Burton, M. G., Fukui, Y., Aharonian, F. A., Oya, I., Vink, J., Ohm, S., & Casanova, S. (2017). Interstellar gas towards the TeV γ-ray sources HESS J1640-465 and HESS J1641-463. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 464(3), 3757-3774. [details]
    • Petroff, E., Rowlinson, A., Stappers, B., The ANTARES Collaboration, Bouwhuis, M. C., Bruijn, R., Heijboer, A. J., de Jong, M., Jongen, M., Melis, K., Samtleben, D. F. E., The H.E.S.S. Collaboration, Balzer, A., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokoph, H., Salek, D., Simoni, R., & Vink, J. (2017). A polarized fast radio burst at low Galactic latitude. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 469(4), 4465-4482. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Tsubone, Y., Sawada, M., Bamba, A., Katsuda, S., & Vink, J. (2017). A Systematic Study of the Thermal and Nonthermal Emission in the Supernova Remnant RCW 86 with Suzaku. Astrophysical Journal, 835(1), Article 35. [details]
    • de Plaa, J., Kaastra, J. S., Werner, N., Pinto, C., Kosec, P., Zhang, Y-Y., Mernier, F., Lovisari, L., Akamatsu, H., Schellenberger, G., Hofmann, F., Reiprich, T. H., Finoguenov, A., Ahoranta, J., Sanders, J. S., Fabian, A. C., Pols, O., Simionescu, A., Vink, J., & Böhringer, H. (2017). CHEERS: The chemical evolution RGS sample. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 607, Article A98. [details]




    • Abramowski, A., et al., U., & Vink, J. (2014). HESS J1640-465 - an exceptionally luminous TeV gamma-ray supernova remnant. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 439(3), 2828-2836. [details]
    • Abramowski, A., et al., U., Balzer, A., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Salek, D., & Vink, J. (2014). Discovery of the Hard Spectrum VHE γ-Ray Source HESS J1641-463. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 794(1), L1. [details]
    • Abramowski, A., et al., U., Balzer, A., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Salek, D., & Vink, J. (2014). Long-term monitoring of PKS 2155-304 with ATOM and H.E.S.S.: investigation of optical/γ-ray correlations in different spectral states. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 571, A39. [details]
    • Broersen, S., Chiotellis, A., Vink, J., & Bamba, A. (2014). The many sides of RCW 86: a Type Ia supernova remnant evolving in its progenitor's wind bubble. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 441(4), 3040-3054. [details]
    • Claeys, J. S. W., Pols, O. R., Izzard, R. G., Vink, J., & Verbunt, F. W. M. (2014). Theoretical uncertainties of the Type Ia supernova rate. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 563, A83. [details]
    • Dimitriadis, G., Chiotellis, A., & Vink, J. (2014). Early X-ray emission from Type Ia supernovae originating from symbiotic progenitors or recurrent novae. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 443(2), 1370-1380. [details]
    • Maeda, Y., Sato, T., Tsunemi, H., Bamba, A., Vink, J., Terada, Y., Takeda, T., Sawada, M., Gandhi, P., Matsumoto, H., Uchiyama, Y., Helder, E. A., Hiraga, J., Hughes, J. P., Kokubun, M., Tamagawa, T., & Tsuboi, Y. (2014). X-ray imaging of the Cr and Fe lines from Cassiopeia A. In M. Ishida, R. Petre, & K. Mitsuda (Eds.), Proceedings of Suzaku-MAXI 2014: Expanding the Frontiers of the X-ray Universe: February 19-22, 2014, Ehime University, Japan (pp. 174-175). Ehime University. [details]
    • Miceli, M., Bocchino, F., Decourchelle, A., Maurin, G., Vink, J., Orlando, S., Reale, F., & Broersen, S. (2014). Probing the effects of hadronic acceleration at the SN 1006 shock front. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 9(S296), 315-319. [details]
    • Miceli, M., Bocchino, F., Decourchelle, A., Vink, J., Broersen, S., & Orlando, S. (2014). The loss-limited electron energy in SN 1006: Effects of the shock velocity and of the diffusion process. Astronomische Nachrichten, 335(3), 252-255. [details]
    • Vink, J. (2014). Supernova remnants and the origin of cosmic rays. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 9(S296), 305-314. [details]
    • Vink, J., & Yamazaki, R. (2014). A Critical Shock Mach Number for Particle Acceleration in the Absence of Pre-existing Cosmic Rays: M = √5. Astrophysical Journal, 780(2), 125. [details]




    • The H.E.S.S. Collaboration et al. (2024). Author Correction: Discovery of a radiation component from the Vela pulsar reaching 20 teraelectronvolts (Nature Astronomy, (2023), 7, 11, (1341-1350), 10.1038/s41550-023-02052-3). Nature Astronomy, 8(1), 145.


    • Barret, D., den Herder, J-W., Costantini, E., Vink, J., Wise, M., & X-IFU Consortium (2018). The ATHENA X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU). In J-WA. den Herder, S. Nikzad, & K. Nakazawa (Eds.), Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray: 10-15 June 2018, Austin Texas, United States (Vol. 1). Article 106991G (Proceedings of the SPIE; Vol. 10699). SPIE. [details]
    • H.E.S.S. Collaboration, Abdalla, H., Balzer, A., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Prokoph, H., Simoni, R., & Vink, J. (2018). Detection of variable VHE γ-ray emission from the extra-galactic γ-ray binary LMC P3. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 610, Article L17. [details]
    • Le Blanc, O., Berge, D., Prokoph, H., Stephan, M., Vink, J., & CTA GCT Project (2018). Final characterisation and design of the Gamma-ray Cherenkov Telescope (GCT) for the Cherenkov Telescope Array. In H. K. Marshall, & J. Spyromilio (Eds.), Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes VII: 10-15 June 2018, Austin, Texas, United States (Vol. 1). Article 1070010 (Proceedings of the SPIE; Vol. 10700). SPIE. [details]


    • Simoni, R., Maxted, N., Renaud, M., Vink, J., & H.E.S.S. Collaboration (2017). Upper Limits on Gamma-ray Emission from Supernovae Serendipitously Observed with H.E.S.S. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 12(S331), 325-328. [details]
    • Tibaldo, L., Balzer, A., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Markoff, S., Stephan, M., Vink, J., & CTA Consortium (2017). The gamma-ray Cherenkov telescope for the Cherenkov telescope array. In F. A. Aharonian, W. Hofmann, & F. M. Rieger (Eds.), High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy: 6th international meeting on high energy gamma-ray astronomy : Heidelberg, Germany, 11-15 July 2016 Article 080004 (AIP Conference Proceedings; Vol. 1792). AIP Publishing. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Watson, J. J., Balzer, A., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Markoff, S., Stephan, M., Vink, J., & CTA Consortium (2017). Inauguration and first light of the GCT-M prototype for the Cherenkov telescope array. In F. A. Aharonian, W. Hofmann, & F. M. Rieger (Eds.), High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy: 6th international meeting on high energy gamma-ray astronomy : Heidelberg, Germany, 11-15 July 2016 Article 080006 (AIP Conference Proceedings; Vol. 1792). AIP Publishing. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Barret, D., den Herder, J-W., Jonker, P., Mendez, M., Vink, J., & X-IFU consortium (2016). The Athena X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU). In J-WA. den Herder, T. Takahashi, & M. Bautz (Eds.), Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray: 26 June-1 July 2016, Edinburgh, United Kingdom (Vol. 2). Article 99052F (Proceedings of SPIE; Vol. 9905). SPIE. [details]
    • Brown, A. M., Abchiche, A., Allan, D., Amans, J-P., Armstrong, T. P., Balzer, A., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Markoff, S., Stephan, M., Vink, J., & CTA Consortium (2016). The GCT camera for the Cherenkov Telescope Array. In H. J. Hall, R. Gilmozzi, & H. K. Marshall (Eds.), Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes VI: 26 June-1 July 2016, Edinburgh, United Kingdom (Vol. 3). Article 99065K (Proceedings of SPIE; Vol. 9906). SPIE. [details]
    • Dournaux, J. L., Balzer, A., Berge, D., Bryan, M., Markoff, S., Stephan, E., Vink, J., & CTA Consortium (2016). The Gamma-ray Cherenkov Telescope, an end-to end Schwarzschild-Couder telescope prototype proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array. In C. J. Evans, L. Simard, & H. Takami (Eds.), Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI: 26-30 June 2016, Edinburgh, United Kingdom (Vol. 3). Article 990848 (Proceedings of the SPIE; Vol. 9908). SPIE. [details]
    • Soffitta, P., Vink, J., Gallo, E., Kuulkers, E., Altamirano, D., Degenaar, N., Ingram, A., Markoff, S., Mushtukov, A., Stevens, A., Uttley, P., Watts, A., Wijnands, R., & XIPE consortium (2016). XIPE: the x-ray imaging polarimetry explorer. In J-WA. den Herder, T. Takahashi, & M. Bautz (Eds.), Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray: 26 June-1 July 2016, Edinburgh, United Kingdom (Vol. 1). Article 990515 (Proceedings of SPIE; Vol. 9905). SPIE. [details]
    • Vink, J. (2016). Supernova 1604, Kepler’s Supernova, and Its Remnant. In A. W. Alsabti, & P. Murdin (Eds.), Handbook of Supernovae Springer., [details]
    • Vink, J. (2016). X-Ray Emission Properties of Supernova Remnants. In A. W. Alsabti, & P. Murdin (Eds.), Handbook of Supernovae Springer., [details]
    • Zane, S., Winter, B., Theobald, C., Theodorou, T., Pinchera, M., Muleri, F., Spada, F., Sgro, C., Zanetti, D., Feng, H., del Monte, E., Rubini, A., Soffitta, P., Bellazzini, R., Bozzo, E., Burwitz, V., Castro Tirado, A. J., Costa, E., Gburek, S., ... Weisskopf, M. (2016). The on-board calibration system of the X-ray Imaging Polarimetry Explorer (XIPE). In J-WA. den Herder, T. Takahashi, & M. Bautz (Eds.), Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray: 26 June-1 July 2016, Edinburgh, United Kingdom (Vol. 2). Article 99054H (Proceedings of SPIE; Vol. 9905). SPIE. [details]


    • Chiotellis, A., Kosenko, D., Schure, K. M., & Vink, J. (2013). Progenitor's Signatures in Type Ia Supernova Remnants. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 7(S281), 331-334. [details]
    • Vink, J. (2013). Supernova Remnants as the Sources of Galactic Cosmic Rays. In G. Pugliese, A. de Koter, & M. Wijburg (Eds.), 370 Years of Astronomy in Utrecht: proceedings of a conference held at Hotel Leeuwenhorst, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, 2-5 April 2012 (pp. 269-277). (Astronomical Society of the Pacific conference series; Vol. 470). Astronomical Society of the Pacific. [details]


    • Renaud, M., Lemoine-Goumard, M., Vink, J., Allen, G. E., Bamba, A., Giordano, F., Uchiyama, Y., & Fermi-LAT Collaboration (2012). Constraints on cosmic-ray efficiency in the supernova remnant RCW 86. In F. A. Aharonian, W. Hofmann, & F. M. Rieger (Eds.), High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy: 5th International Meeting on High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy : Heidelberg, Germany, 9-13 July 2012 (pp. 229-232). (AIP Conference Proceedings; Vol. 1505). American Institute of Physics. [details]


    • Hartmann, D., Kouveliotou, C., Piro, L., den Herder, J. W., Ohashi, T., Abel, T., Amati, L., Barthelmy, S., Beacom, J., Bloom, J., Bonamente, M., Branchini, E., Branduardi-Raymont, G., Bregman, J., Briggs, M., Bromm, V., Burkert, A., Burrows, D., Campana, S., ... Yamasaki, N. (2009). Reading the Metal Diaries of the Universe: Tracing Cosmic Chemical Evolution. In Astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey Article 114 [details]


    • Domcek, V., van den Eijnden, J., Rouco Censorial, A., Hernandez Santisteban, J., Degenaar, N., Wijnands, R., Parikh, A., Zhou, P., & Vink, J. (2019). Serendipitous detection of a new outburst of the HMXB IGR J19294+1816 with XMM-Newton. The astronomer's telegram, 13215. [details]
    • Lopez, L., Williams, B. J., Safi-Harb, S., Park, S., Plucinsky, P. P., Pooley, D., Temim, T., Auchettl, K., Badenes, C., Bamba, A., Castro, D., Garofali, K., Leahy, D., Slane, P., Vink, J., Williams, B. F., & Wheeler, C. J. (2019). Supernova Remnants in High Definition. Bulletin - American Astronomical Society, 51(3), 454.
    • Timmes, F., Fryer, C., Timmes, F., Hungerford, A. L., Couture, A., Adams, F., Aoki, W., Arcones, A., Arnett, D., Auchettl, K., Avila, M., Badenes, C., Baron, E., Bauswein, A., Beacom, J., Blackmon, J., Blondin, S., Bloser, P., Boggs, S., ... Portegies Zwart, S. (2019). Catching Element Formation In The Act ; The Case for a New MeV Gamma-Ray Mission: Radionuclide Astronomy in the 2020s. Bulletin - American Astronomical Society, 2.
    • Williams, B., Auchettl, K., Badenes, C., Castro, D., Kargaltsev, O., Lopez, L. A., Mori, K., Patnaude, D. J., Plucinsky, P., Raymond, J. C., Safi-Harb, S., Slane, P., Tanaka, T., Temim, T., Vink, J., & Yamaguchi, H. (2019). Future X-ray Studies of Supernova Remnants. Bulletin - American Astronomical Society, 51(3), 263.



    • Tsirou, M., Gallant, Y. A., Terrier, R., Sasaki, M., De Ona Wilhelmi, E., Zanin, R., & Vink, J. (2018). Morphological study of the MSH 15-52 Pulsar Wind Nebula in VHE gamma-rays with H.E.S.S.. Abstract from 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Pasadena, California, United States.



    • Miceli, M., Bocchino, F., Decourchelle, A., Vink, J., Broersen, S., & Orlando, S. (2013). The shape of the cutoff in the synchrotron emission of SN 1006 observed with XMM-Newton. Paper presented at The Fast and the Furious: Energetic Phenomena in Isolated Neutron Stars, Pulsar Wind Nebulae and Supernova Remnants, held 22-24 May, 2003 in Madrid, Spain.

    Talk / presentation

    • Vink, J. (speaker) (14-10-2016). Non-equilibrium hot plasmas: how different can electron- and ion-temperatures be?, 11th INTEGRAL Conference.
    • Vink, J. (invited speaker) (14-9-2016). Cosmic-ray acceleration and escape in supernova remnants, The Many Facets of Astrophysics - Photons, Particles, and Spacetime.
    • Vink, J. (invited speaker) (5-7-2016). Gamma-ray observations from SNRs: acceleration and escape, EWASS 2016: High and Very-High Energy Gamma-ray Astronomy: status and future.
    • Vink, J. (invited speaker) (24-6-2016). Gamma-ray observations from SNRs: acceleration and escape, Conference on Shocks and Particle Acceleration in Novae and Supernovae.
    • Vink, J. (invited speaker) (11-6-2016). Where do we stand and what will the future bring?, Supernova Remnants .
    • Vink, J. (speaker) (24-5-2016). Overview of the science case of working group I, The 1st science conference on the XIPE mission, Valencia.
    • Vink, J. (speaker) (12-12-2013). De ster in ons, HKU awards, Utrecht.
    • Vink, J. (speaker) (21-3-2013). Deeltjesversnelling in supernovaresten, KNVWS lezingen (serie), Publiekssterrenwacht Vesta, Oostzaan.


    • Vink, J. (chair) (1-10-2016). Open day University, Amsterdam. Head organizer (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Vink, J. (organiser) (2016). Cosmic Ray Origin - beyond the standard models (second edition). SOC member (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Vink, J. (organiser) (2016). Unveiling the Anisotropic Universe. SOC Member (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Greco, E., Vink, J., Ellien, A. & Ferrigno, C. (18-10-2023). Jitter Radiation as an Alternative Mechanism for the Nonthermal X-Ray Emission of Cassiopeia A. Zenodo.


    • Vink, J. & Prokhorov, D. (31-5-2022). X-ray polarization detection of Cassiopeia A with IXPE. Zenodo.
    • Greco, E., Miceli, M., Orlando, S., Olmi, B., Bocchino, F., Nagataki, S., Sun, L., Vink, J., Sapienza, V., Ono, M., Dohi, A. & Peres, G. (8-2-2022). Additional evidence for a pulsar wind nebula in SN 1987A from multi-epoch X-ray data and MHD modelling. Zenodo.


    • Verberne, S. & Vink, J. (5-4-2021). The radial supernova remnant distribution in the Galaxy. Zenodo.
    • Delaney, T., Hernandez Santisteban, J., Zhou, P., Vink, J. & Domcek, V. (29-1-2021). Reproduction package for the paper "Mapping the spectral index of Cas A: evidence for flattening from radio to infrared". Zenodo.
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