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Prof. dr. R.A.M.J. (Ralph) Wijers

Faculty of Science
Anton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy
Photographer: Dirk Gillissen

Visiting address
  • Science Park 904
  • Room number: C4.131
Postal address
  • Postbus 94249
    1090 GE Amsterdam
  • Biography


    Ralph Wijers is professor of high-energy astrophysics at the University of Amsterdam. He specializes in energetic explosions from extreme objects such as black holes and neutron stars. He studied at Leiden Observatory and the University of Amsterdam and went on to Princeton (Compton Fellowship) and Cambridge (Royal Society Fellowship), and to a faculty position at Stonybrook University before joining API. He is a VICI and ERC Advanced Investigator laureate and co-winner of the 2002 EU Descartes Prize for research on gamma-ray bursts. He is a member of multiple national and international scientific governing and advisory councils and editor of two journals: Monthly Notices and New Astronomy Reviews. Since 2011, he is director of API.

    Research and teaching

    Wijers’ research spans the range from theoretical to instrumental, in astronomy and astro-particle physics. Specifically, he studies the phenomena and mechanisms behind accretion-powered black holes and neutron stars, and explosions resulting from such compact objects. He has developed blast-wave models for gamma-ray bursts and used them to study their properties. He also is involved in searches for rare new types of transient source, in particular at radio wavelengths with the LOFAR and AARTFAAC telescopes.  His long-term goal is to understand highly relativistic objects in terms of basic physics. He has been interested in astronomy outreach since a young age, and teaches all levels of courses from introductory astronomy to advanced graduate courses.

  • Curriculum Vitae - last updated August 2018
  • Publications


    • Anderson, G. E., Schroeder, G., van der Horst, A. J., Rhodes, L., Rowlinson, A., Bahramian, A., Chastain, S. I., Gompertz, B. P., Hancock, P. J., Laskar, T., Leung, J. K., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2024). The Early Radio Afterglow of Short GRB 230217A. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 975(1), Article L13. [details]
    • Chastain, S. I., van der Horst, A. J., Anderson, G. E., Rhodes, L., d'Antonio, D., Bell, M. E., Fender, R. P., Hancock, P. J., Horesh, A., Kouveliotou, C., Mooley, K. P., Rowlinson, A., Vergani, S. D., Wijers, R. A. M. J., & Woudt, P. A. (2024). Constraints on short gamma-ray burst physics and their host galaxies from systematic radio follow-up campaigns. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 532(2), 2820-2831. [details]
    • Fijma, S., Rowlinson, A., Wijers, R. A. M. J., de Ruiter, I., de Blok, W. J. G., Chastain, S., van der Horst, A. J., Meyers, Z. S., van der Meulen, K., Fender, R., Woudt, P. A., Andersson, A., Zijlstra, A., Healy, J., & Maccagni, F. M. (2024). A new method for short-duration transient detection in radio images: searching for transient sources in MeerKAT data of NGC 5068. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 528(4), 6985-6996.
    • Gehlot, B. K., Koopmans, L. V. E., Brackenhoff, S. A., Ceccotti, E., Ghosh, S., Höfer, C., Mertens, F. G., Mevius, M., Munshi, S., Offringa, A. R., Pandey, V. N., Rowlinson, A., Shulevski, A., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Yatawatta, S., & Zaroubi, S. (2024). Transient RFI environment of LOFAR-LBA at 72--75 MHz. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 681, A71.
    • Groot, P. J., van Roestel, J. C. J., Katusiime, G., Modiano, D., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Wijnands, R. A. D., & BlackGEM (2024). The BlackGEM Telescope Array I: Overview. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 136(11), Article 115003. [details]
    • Rowlinson, A., de Ruiter, I., Starling, R. L. C., Rajwade, K. M., Hennessy, A., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Anderson, G. E., Mevius, M., Ruhe, D., Gourdji, K., van der Horst, A. J., ter Veen, S., & Wiersema, K. (2024). A candidate coherent radio flash following a neutron star merger. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 534(3), 2592-2608. [details]
    • Schroeder, G., Rhodes, L., Laskar, T., Nugent, A., Rouco Escorial, A., Rastinejad, J. C., Fong, W., van der Horst, A. J., Veres, P., Alexander, K. D., Andersson, A., Berger, E., Blanchard, P. K., Chastain, S., Christensen, L., Fender, R., Green, D. A., Groot, P., Heywood, I., ... Woudt, P. (2024). A Radio Flare in the Long-lived Afterglow of the Distant Short GRB 210726A: Energy Injection or a Reverse Shock from Shell Collisions? Astrophysical Journal Letters, 970(2), 139.
    • de Ruiter, I., Meyers, Z. S., Rowlinson, A., Shimwell, T. W., Ruhe, D., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2024). Transient study using LoTSS - framework development and preliminary results. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 531(4), 4805-4822.


    • Anderson, G. E., Russell, T. D., Fausey, H. M., van der Horst, A. J., Hancock, P. J., Bahramian, A., Bell, M. E., Miller-Jones, J. C. A., Rowell, G., Sammons, M. W., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Galvin, T. J., Goodwin, A. J., Konno, R., Rowlinson, A., Ryder, S. D., Schüssler, F., Wagner, S. J., & Zhu, S. J. (2023). Rapid radio brightening of GRB 210702A. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523(4), 4992-5005. [details]
    • Cooper, A. J., Gupta, O., Wadiasingh, Z., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Boersma, O. M., Andreoni, I., Rowlinson, A., & Gourdji, K. (2023). Pulsar revival in neutron star mergers: multimessenger prospects for the discovery of pre-merger coherent radio emission. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519(3), 3923-3946. [details]
    • Ferro, M., Brivio, R., D'Avanzo, P., Rossi, A., Izzo, L., Campana, S., Christensen, L., Dinatolo, M., Hussein, S., Levan, A. J., Melandri, A., Bernardini, M. G., Covino, S., D'Elia, V., Della Valle, M., De Pasquale, M., Gompertz, B. P., Hartmann, D., Heintz, K. E., ... Zafar, T. (2023). A search for the afterglows, kilonovae, and host galaxies of two short GRBs: GRB 211106A and GRB 211227A. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 678, Article A142. [details]
    • Gourdji, K., Rowlinson, A., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Broderick, J. W., & Shulevski, A. (2023). LOFAR observations of gravitational wave merger events: O3 results and O4 strategy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523(3), 4748-4755. [details]
    • Heintz, K. E., De Cia, A., Thöne, C. C., Krogager, J.-K., Yates, R. M., Vejlgaard, S., Konstantopoulou, C., Fynbo, J. P. U., Watson, D., Narayanan, D., Wilson, S. N., Arabsalmani, M., Campana, S., D'Elia, V., De Pasquale, M., Hartmann, D. H., Izzo, L., Jakobsson, P., Kouveliotou, C., ... Zafar, T. (2023). The cosmic buildup of dust and metals: Accurate abundances from GRB-selected star-forming galaxies at 1.7 < z < 6.3. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 679, Article A91. [details]
    • Hennessy, A., Starling, R. L. C., Rowlinson, A., de Ruiter, I., Kumar, A., Eyles-Ferris, R. A. J., Ror, A. K., Anderson, G. E., Gourdji, K., van der Horst, A. J., Pandey, S. B., Shimwell, T. W., Steeghs, D., Stylianou, N., ter Veen, S., Wiersema, K., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2023). A LOFAR prompt search for radio emission accompanying X-ray flares in GRB 210112A. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526(1), 106-117. [details]
    • Levan, A. J., Lamb, G. P., Schneider, B., Hjorth, J., Zafar, T., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Sargent, B., Mullally, S. E., Izzo, L., D'Avanzo, P., Burns, E., Agüi Fernández, J. F., Barclay, T., Bernardini, M. G., Bhirombhakdi, K., Bremer, M., Brivio, R., Campana, S., Chrimes, A. A., ... Xu, D. (2023). The first JWST spectrum of a GRB afterglow: No bright supernova in observations of the brightest GRB of all time, GRB 221009A. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 946(1), Article L28. [details]
    • O'Connor, B., Brink, J., Buckley, D. A. H., Mukai, K., Kouveliotou, C., Göğüş, E., Potter, S. B., Woudt, P., Lien, A., Levan, A., Kargaltsev, O., Baring, M. G., Bellm, E., Cenko, S. B., Evans, P. A., Granot, J., Hailey, C., Harrison, F., Hartmann, D., ... Younes, G. (2023). Identification of 1RXS J165424.6-433758 as a Polar Cataclysmic Variable. Astrophysical Journal, 957(2), Article 89. [details]
    • O'Connor, B., Göğüş, E., Hare, J., Mukai, K., Huppenkothen, D., Brink, J., Buckley, D. A. H., Levan, A., Baring, M. G., Stewart, R., Kouveliotou, C., Woudt, P., Bellm, E., Cenko, S. B., Evans, P. A., Granot, J., Hailey, C., Harrison, F., Hartmann, D., ... Younes, G. (2023). Swift Deep Galactic Plane Survey classification of Swift J170800−402551.8 as a candidate intermediate polar cataclysmic variable. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 525(4), 5015-5024. [details]
    • O'Connor, B., Kouveliotou, C., Evans, P. A., Gorgone, N., van Kooten, A. J., Gagnon, S., Yang, H., Baring, M. G., Bellm, E., Beniamini, P., Brink, J., Buckley, D. A. H., Cenko, S. B., Egbo, O. D., Göğüş, E., Granot, J., Hailey, C., Hare, J., Harrison, F., ... Younes, G. (2023). The Swift Deep Galactic Plane Survey (DGPS) Phase I catalog. The Astrophysical Journal. Supplement Series, 269(2), Article 49. [details]
    • de Ruiter, I., Nyamai, M. M., Rowlinson, A., Wijers, R. A. M. J., O'Brien, T. J., Williams, D. R. A., & Woudt, P. (2023). Low-frequency radio observations of recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi with MeerKAT and LOFAR. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523(1), 132-148. [details]


    • Aksulu, M. D., Wijers, R. A. M. J., van Eerten, H. J., & van der Horst, A. J. (2022). Exploring the GRB population: robust afterglow modelling. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 511(2), 2848-2867. [details]
    • Armstrong, T. P., Costantini, H., Glicenstein, J.-F., Lenain, J.-P., Schwanke, U., & CTA Collaboration (2022). Monte Carlo Simulations and Validation of NectarCAM, a Medium Sized Telescope Camera for CTA. Proceedings of Science, 395, Article 747. [details]
    • Aschersleben, J., Peletier, R. F., Vecchi, M., Wilkinson, M. H. F., & CTA Consortium (2022). Application of pattern spectra and convolutional neural networks to the analysis of simulated Cherenkov Telescope Array data. Proceedings of Science, 395, Article 697. [details]
    • Brown, A. M., Acharyya, A., Dominguez, A., Hassan, T., Lenain, J.-P., Pita, S., & CTA Consortium (2022). Active Galactic Nuclei population studies with the Cherenkov Telescope Array. Proceedings of Science, 395, Article 887. [details]
    • Carosi, A., López-Oramas, A., Longo, F., & CTA Collaboration (2022). The Cherenkov Telescope Array transient and multi-messenger program. Proceedings of Science, 395, Article 736. [details]
    • Cooper, A. J., Rowlinson, A., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Bassa, C., Gourdji, K., Hessels, J., van der Horst, A. J., Kondratiev, V., Michilli, D., Pleunis, Z., Shimwell, T., & ter Veen, S. (2022). Testing afterglow models of FRB 200428 with early post-burst observations of SGR 1935 + 2154. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 517(4), 5483-5495. [details]
    • Di Piano, A., Bulgarelli, A., Fioretti, V., Baroncelli, L., Parmiggiani, N., Longo, F., Stamerra, A., López-Oramas, A., Stratta, G., De Cesare, G., & CTA Consortium (2022). Detection methods for the Cherenkov Telescope Array at very-short exposure times. Proceedings of Science, 395, Article 694. [details]
    • Driessen, L. N., Stappers, B. W., Tremou, E., Fender, R. P., Woudt, P. A., Armstrong, R., Bloemen, S., de Groot, P., Heywood, I., Horesh, A., van der Horst, A. J., Koerding, E., McBride, V. A., Miller Jones, J. C. A., Mooley, K. P., Rowlinson, A., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2022). 21 new long-term variables in the GX 339-4 field: two years of MeerKAT monitoring. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 512(4), 5037-5066. [details]
    • Gehlot, B. K., Koopmans, L. V. E., Offringa, A. R., Gan, H., Ghara, R., Giri, S. K., Kuiack, M., Mertens, F. G., Mevius, M., Mondal, R., Pandey, V. N., Shulevski, A., Wijers, R. A. M. J., & Yatawatta, S. (2022). Degree-scale galactic radio emission at 122 MHz around the North Celestial Pole with LOFAR-AARTFAAC. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 662, Article A97. [details]
    • Gourdji, K., Rowlinson, A., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Broderick, J. W., Shulevski, A., & Jonker, P. G. (2022). Searching for low radio-frequency gravitational wave counterparts in wide-field LOFAR data. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 509(4), 5018-5029. [details]
    • Gueta, O., CTA Consortium, & CTA Observatory (2022). The Cherenkov Telescope Array: layout, design and performance. Proceedings of Science, 395, Article 885. [details]
    • Hassan, T., Gueta, O., Maier, G., Nöthe, M., Peresano, M., Vovk, I., & CTA Consortium (2022). Performance of a proposed event-type based analysis for the Cherenkov Telescope Array. Proceedings of Science, 395, Article 752. [details]
    • Jackson, N., Blaauw, R., Van Der Horst, A. J., Rowlinson, A., Shulevski, A., Wijers, R., & LOFAR Collaboration (2022). Sub-arcsecond imaging with the International LOFAR Telescope: II. Completion of the LOFAR Long-Baseline Calibrator Survey. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 658, Article A2. [details]
    • Kasai, E., Goldoni, P., Backes, M., Cotter, G., Pita, S., Boisson, C., Williams, D. A., D'Ammando, F., Lindfors, E., Barres de Almeida, U., Max-Moerbeck, W., Navarro-Aranguiz, V., Becerra Gonzalez, J., Hervet, O., Lenain, J.-P., Sol, H., Wagner, S., & CTA Collaboration (2022). Southern African Large Telescope Spectroscopy of BL Lacs for the CTA project. Proceedings of Science, 395, Article 881. [details]
    • López-Oramas, A., Kantzas, D., Markoff, S., & The CTA consortium (2022). Prospects for Galactic transient sources detection with the Cherenkov Telescope Array. Proceedings of Science, 395, Article 784., [details]
    • Miener, T., Nieto, D., Brill, A., Spencer, S., Contreras, J. L., & CTA Consortium (2022). Reconstruction of stereoscopic CTA events using deep learning with CTLearn. Proceedings of Science, 395, Article 730. [details]
    • Morabito, L. K., Van Der Horst, A. J., Shulevski, A., Wijers, R. A. M. J., & LOFAR Collaboration (2022). Sub-arcsecond imaging with the International LOFAR Telescope: I. Foundational calibration strategy and pipeline. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 658, Article A1. [details]
    • Nöthe, M., Kosack, K., Nickel, L., Peresano, M., & CTA Consortium (2022). Prototype Open Event Reconstruction Pipeline for the Cherenkov Telescope Array. Proceedings of Science, 395, Article 744. [details]
    • O'Connor, B., Göǧüş, E., Huppenkothen, D., Kouveliotou, C., Gorgone, N., Townsend, L. J., Calamida, A., Fruchter, A., Buckley, D. A. H., Baring, M. G., Kennea, J. A., Younes, G., Arzoumanian, Z., Bellm, E., Cenko, S. B., Gendreau, K., Granot, J., Hailey, C., Harrison, F., ... Woudt, P. (2022). Identification of an X-Ray Pulsar in the BeXRB System IGR J18219-1347. Astrophysical Journal, 927(2), Article 139. [details]
    • Patricelli, B., & CTA Consortium (2022). Searching for very-high-energy electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational-wave events with the Cherenkov Telescope Array. Proceedings of Science, 395, Article 998., [details]
    • Pecimotika, M., Adamczyk, K., Dominis Prester, D., Gueta, O., Hrupec, D., Maier, G., Mićanović, S., Pavletić, L., Sitarek, J., Sobczyńska, D., Szanecki, M., & Cherenkov Telescope Array Consortium (2022). Performance of the Cherenkov Telescope Array in the presence of clouds. Proceedings of Science, 395, Article 773. [details]
    • Pérez-Romero, J., & CTA Consortium (2022). Sensitivity of CTA to gamma-ray emission from the Perseus galaxy cluster. Proceedings of Science, 395, Article 546. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Rowlinson, A., Meijn, J., Bright, J., van der Horst, A. J., Chastain, S., Fijma, S., Fender, R., Heywood, I., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Woudt, P. A., Andersson, A., Sivakoff, G. R., Tremou, E., & Driessen, L. N. (2022). Search and identification of transient and variable radio sources using MeerKAT observations: a case study on the MAXI J1820+070 field. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 517(2), 2894-2911. [details]
    • Ruhe, D., Kuiack, M., Rowlinson, A., Wijers, R., & Forré, P. (2022). Detecting dispersed radio transients in real time using convolutional neural networks. Astronomy and Computing, 38, Article 100512. [details]
    • Sergijenko, O., Brown, A. M., Fiorillo, D., Rosales de León, A., Satalecka, K., Tung, C. F., Reimann, R., Glauch, T., Taboada, I., CTA Consortium, & FIRESONG Team Collaboration (2022). Sensitivity of the Cherenkov Telescope Array to emission from the gamma-ray counterparts of neutrino events. Proceedings of Science, 395, Article 975. [details]
    • Shulevski, A., Franzen, T. M. O., Williams, W. L., Vernstrom, T., Gehlot, B. K., Kuiack, M., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2022). Characterization of the AARTFAAC-12 aperture array: radio source counts at 42 and 61 MHz. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 513(1), 1036-1045. [details]
    • Steppa, C., Egberts, K., & CTA Consortium (2022). Exploring the population of Galactic very-high-energy γ-ray sources. Proceedings of Science, 395, Article 798. [details]
    • Verna, G., Cassol, F., Costatini, H., & CTA Consortium (2022). HAWC J2227+610: a potential PeVatron candidate for the CTA in the northern hemisphere. Proceedings of Science, 395, Article 904. [details]


    • Anderson, G. E., Bell, M. E., Stevens, J., Aksulu, M. D., Miller-Jones, J. C. A., van der Horst, A. J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Rowlinson, A., Bahramian, A., Hancock, P. J., Macquart, J-P., Ryder, S. D., & Plotkin, R. M. (2021). Rapid-response radio observations of short GRB 181123B with the Australia Telescope Compact Array. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 503(3), 4372-4386. [details]
    • Bailes, M., Bassa, C. G., Bernardi, G., Buchner, S., Burgay, M., Caleb, M., Cooper, A. J., Desvignes, G., Groot, P. J., Heywood, I., Jankowski, F., Karuppusamy, R., Kramer, M., Malenta, M., Naldi, G., Pilia, M., Pupillo, G., Rajwade, K. M., Spitler, L., ... Woudt, P. A. (2021). Multifrequency observations of SGR J1935+2154. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 503(4), 5367-5384. [details]
    • Cooper, A. J., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2021). Coherent curvature radiation: maximum luminosity and high-energy emission. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 508(1), L32-L36. [details]
    • Gorgone, N. M., Woudt, P. A., Buckley, D., Mukai, K., Kouveliotou, C., Huppenkothen, D., Göğüş, E., Bellm, E., Linford, J. D., van der Horst, A. J., Baring, M. G., Hartmann, D., Barrett, P., Cenko, B., Graham, M., Granot, J., Harrison, F., Kennea, J., O'Connor, B. M., ... Wijers, R. (2021). Swift/XRT Deep Galactic Plane Survey Discovery of a New Intermediate Polar Cataclysmic Variable, Swift J183920.1-045350. Astrophysical Journal, 923(2), Article 243. [details]
    • Kuiack, M. J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Shulevski, A., & Rowlinson, A. (2021). Apparent radio transients mapping the near-Earth plasma environment. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 504(4), 4706-4715. [details]
    • Kuiack, M., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Shulevski, A., Rowlinson, A., Huizinga, F., Molenaar, G., & Prasad, P. (2021). The AARTFAAC 60 MHz transients survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 505(2), 2966-2974. [details]
    • Rowlinson, A., Starling, R. L. C., Gourdji, K., Anderson, G. E., ter Veen, S., Mandhai, S., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Shimwell, T. W., & van der Horst, A. J. (2021). LOFAR early-time search for coherent radio emission from short GRB 181123B. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 506(4), 5268-5277. [details]
    • Uttley, P., Hartog, R. D., Bambi, C., Barret, D., Bianchi, S., Bursa, M., Cappi, M., Casella, P., Cash, W., Costantini, E., Dauser, T., Diaz Trigo, M., Gendreau, K., Grinberg, V., Herder, J-W. D., Ingram, A., Kara, E., Markoff, S., Mingo, B., ... Wise, M. (2021). The high energy Universe at ultra-high resolution: the power and promise of X-ray interferometry. Experimental Astronomy, 51(3), 1081-1107. [details]
    • de Ruiter, I., Leseigneur, G., Rowlinson, A., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Drabent, A., Intema, H. T., & Shimwell, T. W. (2021). Limits on long-time-scale radio transients at 150 MHz using the TGSS ADR1 and LoTSS DR2 catalogues. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 508(2), 2412-2425. [details]


    • Aksulu, M. D., Wijers, R. A. M. J., van Eerten, H. J., & van der Horst, A. J. (2020). A new approach to modelling gamma-ray burst afterglows: using Gaussian processes to account for the systematics. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 497(4), 4672-4683. [details]
    • Bright, J. S., Fender, R. P., Motta, S. E., Williams, D. R. A., Moldon, J., Plotkin, R. M., Miller-Jones, J. C. A., Heywood, I., Tremou, E., Beswick, R., Sivakoff, G. R., Corbel, S., Buckley, D. A. H., Homan, J., Gallo, E., Tetarenko, A. J., Russell, T. D., Green, D. A., Titterington, D., ... Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2020). An extremely powerful long-lived superluminal ejection from the black hole MAXI J1820+070. Nature Astronomy, 697-703. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Broderick, J. W., Shimwell, T. W., Gourdji, K., Rowlinson, A., Nissanke, S., Hotokezaka, K., Jonker, P. G., Tasse, C., Hardcastle, M. J., Oonk, J. B. R., Fender, R. P., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Shulevski, A., Stewart, A. J., ter Veen, S., Moss, V. A., van der Wiel, M. H. D., Nichols, D. A., Piette, A., ... Zucca, P. (2020). LOFAR 144-MHz follow-up observations of GW170817. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 494(4), 5110-5117. [details]
    • Driessen, L. N., McDonald, I., Buckley, D. A. H., Caleb, M., Kotze, E. J., Potter, S. B., Rajwade, K. M., Rowlinson, A., Stappers, B. W., Tremou, E., Woudt, P. A., Fender, R. P., Armstrong, R., Groot, P., Heywood, I., Horesh, A., van der Horst, A. J., Koerding, E., McBride, V. A., ... Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2020). MKT J170456.2-482100: the first transient discovered by MeerKAT. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 491(1), 560-575. [details]
    • Gehlot, B. K., Mertens, F. G., Koopmans, L. V. E., Offringa, A. R., Shulevski, A., Mevius, M., Brentjens, M. A., Kuiack, M., Pandey, V. N., Rowlinson, A., Sardarabadi, A. M., Vedantham, H. K., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Yatawatta, S., & Zaroubi, S. (2020). The AARTFAAC Cosmic Explorer: observations of the 21-cm power spectrum in the EDGES absorption trough. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 499(3), 4158-4173. [details]
    • Gourdji, K., Rowlinson, A., Wijers, R. A. M. J., & Goldstein, A. (2020). Constraining a neutron star merger origin for localized fast radio bursts. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 497(3), 3131–3141. [details]
    • Hewitt, D. M., Pretorius, M. L., Woudt, P. A., Tremou, E., Miller-Jones, J. C. A., Knigge, C., Castro Segura, N., Williams, D. R. A., Fender, R. P., Armstrong, R., Groot, P., Heywood, I., Horesh, A., van der Horst, A. J., Koerding, E., McBride, V. A., Mooley, K. P., Rowlinson, A., Stappers, B., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2020). A MeerKAT survey of nearby nova-like cataclysmic variables. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 496(3), 2542-2557. [details]
    • Kuiack, M., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Rowlinson, A., Shulevski, A., Huizinga, F., Molenaar, G., & Prasad, P. (2020). Long-term study of extreme giant pulses from PSR B0950+08 with AARTFAAC. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 497(1), 846-854. [details]
    • Rhodes, L., van der Horst, A. J., Fender, R., Monageng, I. M., Anderson, G. E., Antoniadis, J., Bietenholz, M. F., Böttcher, M., Bright, J. S., Green, D. A., Kouveliotou, C., Kramer, M., Motta, S. E., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Williams, D. R. A., & Woudt, P. A. (2020). Radio afterglows of very high-energy gamma-ray bursts 190829A and 180720B. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 496(3), 3326-3335. [details]
    • Starling, R. L. C., Rowlinson, A., van der Horst, A. J., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2020). LOFAR detectability of prompt low-frequency radio emission during gamma-ray burst X-ray flares. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 494(4), 5787-5792. [details]
    • Tremou, E., Corbel, S., Fender, R. P., Woudt, P. A., Miller-Jones, J. C. A., Motta, S. E., Heywood, I., Armstrong, R. P., Groot, P., Horesh, A., van der Horst, A. J., Koerding, E., Mooley, K. P., Rowlinson, A., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2020). Radio & X-ray detections of GX 339-4 in quiescence using MeerKAT and Swift. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 493(1), Article L132-L137. [details]


    • Gorgone, N. M., Kouveliotou, C., Negoro, H., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Bozzo, E., Guiriec, S., Bult, P., Huppenkothen, D., Göğüş, E., Bahramian, A., Kennea, J., Linford, J. D., Miller-Jones, J., Baring, M. G., Beniamini, P., Chakrabarty, D., Granot, J., Hailey, C., Harrison, F. A., ... Younes, G. A. (2019). Discovery and Identification of MAXI J1621-501 as a Type I X-Ray Burster with a Super-orbital Period. Astrophysical Journal, 884(2), Article 168. [details]
    • Hare, B. M., Scholten, O., Dwyer, J., Trinh, T. N. G., Buitink, S., ter Veen, S., Bonardi, A., Corstanje, A., Falcke, H., Hörandel, J. R., Huege, T., Mitra, P., Mulrey, K., Nelles, A., Rachen, J. P., Rossetto, L., Schellart, P., Winchen, T., Anderson, J., ... Zucca, P. (2019). Needle-like structures discovered on positively charged lightning branches. Nature, 568(7752), 360-363. [details]
    • Kuiack, M., Huizinga, F., Molenaar, G., Prasad, P., Rowlinson, A., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2019). AARTFAAC flux density calibration and Northern hemisphere catalogue at 60 MHz. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 482(2), 2502-2514. [details]
    • Lamb, G. P., Tanvir, N. R., Levan, A. J., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Kawaguchi, K., Corsi, A., Evans, P. A., Gompertz, B., Malesani, D. B., Page, K. L., Wiersema, K., Rosswog, S., Shibata, M., Tanaka, M., van der Horst, A. J., Cano, Z., Fynbo, J. P. U., Fruchter, A. S., Greiner, J., ... Xu, D. (2019). Short GRB 160821B: A Reverse Shock, a Refreshed Shock, and a Well-sampled Kilonova. Astrophysical Journal, 883(1), 48. [details]
    • Rowlinson, A., Gourdji, K., van der Meulen, K., Meyers, Z. S., Shimwell, T. W., ter Veen, S., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Kuiack, M. J., Shulevski, A., Broderick, J. W., van der Horst, A. J., Tasse, C., Hardcastle, M. J., Mechev, A. P., & Williams, W. L. (2019). LOFAR early-time search for coherent radio emission from GRB 180706A. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 490(3), 3483-3492. [details]
    • Rowlinson, A., Stewart, A. J., Broderick, J. W., Swinbank, J. D., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Carbone, D., Cendes, Y., Fender, R., van der Horst, A., Molenaar, G., Scheers, B., Staley, T., Farrell, S., Grießmeier, J. M., Bell, M., Eislöffel, J., Law, C. J., van Leeuwen, J., & Zarka, P. (2019). Identifying transient and variable sources in radio images. Astronomy and Computing, 27, 111-129. [details]
    • Selsing, J., Malesani, D., Goldoni, P., Fynbo, J. P. U., Krühler, T., Antonelli, L. A., Arabsalmani, M., Bolmer, J., Cano, Z., Christensen, L., Covino, S., D'Avanzo, P., D'Elia, V., De Cia, A., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Flores, H., Friis, M., Gomboc, A., Greiner, J., ... Zafar, T. (2019). The X-shooter GRB afterglow legacy sample (XS-GRB). Astronomy & Astrophysics, 623, Article A92. [details]
    • Tanvir, N. R., Fynbo, J. P. U., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Japelj, J., Wiersema, K., Malesani, D., Perley, D. A., Levan, A. J., Selsing, J., Cenko, S. B., Kann, D. A., Milvang-Jensen, B., Berger, E., Cano, Z., Chornock, R., Covino, S., Cucchiara, A., D'Elia, V., Gargiulo, A., ... Xu, D. (2019). The fraction of ionizing radiation from massive stars that escapes to the intergalactic medium. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 483(4), 5380-5408. [details]


    • Anderson, G. E., Staley, T. D., van der Horst, A. J., Fender, R. P., Rowlinson, A., Mooley, K. P., Broderick, J. W., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Rumsey, C., & Titterington, D. J. (2018). The Arcminute Microkelvin Imager catalogue of gamma-ray burst afterglows at 15.7 GHz. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 473(2), 1512-1536. [details]
    • Arias, M., Vink, J., de Gasperin, F., Salas, P., Oonk, J. B. R., van Weeren, R. J., van Amesfoort, A. S., Anderson, J., Beck, R., Bell, M. E., Bentum, M. J., Best, P., Blaauw, R., Breitling, F., Broderick, J. W., Brouw, W. N., Brüggen, M., Butcher, H. R., Ciardi, B., ... Zucca, P. (2018). Low-frequency radio absorption in Cassiopeia A. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 612, Article A110. [details]
    • Broderick, J. W., Fender, R. P., Miller-Jones, J. C. A., Trushkin, S. A., Stewart, A. J., Anderson, G. E., Staley, T. D., Blundell, K. M., Pietka, M., Markoff, S., Rowlinson, A., Swinbank, J. D., van der Horst, A. J., Bell, M. E., Breton, R. P., Carbone, D., Corbel, S., Eislöffel, J., Falcke, H., ... Zarka, P. (2018). LOFAR 150-MHz observations of SS 433 and W 50. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 475(4), 5360-5377. [details]
    • Carbone, D., Garsden, H., Spreeuw, H., Swinbank, J. D., van der Horst, A. J., Rowlinson, A., Broderick, J. W., Rol, E., Law, C., Molenaar, G., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2018). PySE: Software for extracting sources from radio images. Astronomy and Computing, 23, 92-102. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Cendes, Y., Prasad, P., Rowlinson, A., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Swinbank, J. D., Law, C. J., van der Horst, A. J., Carbone, D., Broderick, J. W., Staley, T. D., Stewart, A. J., Huizinga, F., Molenaar, G., Alexov, A., Bell, M. E., Coenen, T., Corbel, S., Eislöffel, J., Fender, R., ... Zarka, P. (2018). RFI flagging implications for short-duration transients. Astronomy and Computing, 23, 103-114. [details]
    • Lyman, J. D., Lamb, G. P., Levan, A. J., Mandel, I., Tanvir, N. R., Kobayashi, S., Gompertz, B., Hjorth, J., Fruchter, A. S., Kangas, T., Steeghs, D., Steele, I. A., Cano, Z., Copperwheat, C., Evans, P. A., Fynbo, J. P. U., Gall, C., Im, M., Izzo, L., ... Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2018). The optical afterglow of the short gamma-ray burst associated with GW170817. Nature Astronomy, 2, 751-754. [details]
    • Tanvir, N. R., Laskar, T., Levan, A. J., Perley, D. A., Zabl, J., Fynbo, J. P. U., Rhoads, J., Cenko, S. B., Greiner, J., Wiersema, K., Hjorth, J., Cucchiara, A., Berger, E., Bremer, M. N., Cano, Z., Cobb, B. E., Covino, S., D’Elia, V., Fong, W., ... Xu, D. (2018). The Properties of GRB 120923A at a Spectroscopic Redshift of z ≈ 7.8. Astrophysical Journal, 865(2), Article 107. [details]
    • Wijers, R. (2018). A chirp, a roar and a whisper. Nature, 554(7691), 178-179. [details]
    • de Ugarte Postigo, A., Thöne, C. C., Bensch, K., van der Horst, A. J., Kann, D. A., Cano, Z., Izzo, L., Goldoni, P., Martín, S., Filgas, R., Schady, P., Gorosabel, J., Bikmaev, I., Bremer, M., Burenin, R., Castro-Tirado, A. J., Covino, S., Fynbo, J. P. U., Garcia-Appadoo, D., ... Zafar, T. (2018). The luminous host galaxy, faint supernova and rapid afterglow rebrightening of GRB 100418A. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 620, Article A190. [details]


    • Carbone, D., van der Horst, A. J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., & Rowlinson, A. (2017). Calculating transient rates from surveys. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 465(4), 4106-4117. [details]
    • Coughlan, C. P., Ainsworth, R. E., Eislöffel, J., Hoeft, M., Drabent, A., Scaife, A. M. M., Ray, T. P., Bell, M. E., Broderick, J. W., Corbel, S., Grießmeier, J-M., van der Horst, A. J., van Leeuwen, J., Markoff, S., Pietka, M., Stewart, A. J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., & Zarka, P. (2017). A LOFAR Detection of the Low-mass Young Star T Tau at 149 MHz. Astrophysical Journal, 834(2), Article 206. [details]
    • Covino, S., Wiersema, K., Fan, Y. Z., Toma, K., Higgins, A. B., Melandri, A., D'Avanzo, P., Mundell, C. G., Palazzi, E., Tanvir, N. R., Bernardini, M. G., Branchesi, M., Brocato, E., Campana, S., di Serego Alighieri, S., Götz, D., Fynbo, J. P. U., Gao, W., Gomboc, A., ... Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2017). The unpolarized macronova associated with the gravitational wave event GW 170817. Nature Astronomy, 1(11), 791-794. [details]
    • LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration, Fermi GBM, INTEGRAL, Icecube Collaboration, AstroSat Cadmium Zinc Telluride Imager Team, IPN Collaboration, The Insight-HXMT Collaboration, ANTARES Collaboration, The SWIFT Collaboration, AGILE Team, The 1M2H Team, The Dark Energy Camera GW-EM Collaboration and the DES Collaboration, The DLT40 Collaboration, The GRAvitational Wave Inaf TeAm (GRAWITA), The Fermi Large Area Telescope Collaboration, ATCA: Australia Telescope Compact Array, ASKAP: Australian SKA Pathfinder, Las Cumbres Observatory Group, OzGrav, ... SKA South Africa/MeerKAT (2017). Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 848(2), Article L12. [details]
    • Levan, A. J., Lyman, J. D., Tanvir, N. R., Hjorth, J., Mandel, I., Stanway, E. R., Steeghs, D., Fruchter, A. S., Troja, E., Schrøder, S. L., Wiersema, K., Bruun, S. H., Cano, Z., Cenko, S. B., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Evans, P., Fairhurst, S., Fox, O. D., Fynbo, J. P. U., ... Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2017). The Environment of the Binary Neutron Star Merger GW170817. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 848(2), Article L28. [details]
    • Tanvir, N. R., Levan, A. J., González-Fernández, C., Korobkin, O., Mandel, I., Rosswog, S., Hjorth, J., D'Avanzo, P., Fruchter, A. S., Fryer, C. L., Kangas, T., Milvang-Jensen, B., Rosetti, S., Steeghs, D., Wollaeger, R. T., Cano, Z., Copperwheat, C. M., Covino, S., D'Elia, V., ... Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2017). The Emergence of a Lanthanide-rich Kilonova Following the Merger of Two Neutron Stars. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 848(2), Article L27. [details]


    • Broderick, J. W., Fender, R. P., Breton, R. P., Stewart, A. J., Rowlinson, A., Swinbank, J. D., Hessels, J. W. T., Staley, T. D., van der Horst, A. J., Bell, M. E., Carbone, D., Cendes, Y., Corbel, S., Eislöffel, J., Falcke, H., Grießmeier, J-M., Hassall, T. E., Jonker, P., Kramer, M., ... Zarka, P. (2016). Low-radio-frequency eclipses of the redback pulsar J2215+5135 observed in the image plane with LOFAR. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 459(3), 2681-2689. [details]
    • Buitink, S., Carbone, D., Fender, R., Hessels, J. W. T., van Leeuwen, J., Markoff, S., Serylak, M., Stappers, B. W., Swinbank, J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Wise, M. W., & LOFAR Collaboration (2016). A large light-mass component of cosmic rays at 1017-1017.5 electronvolts from radio observations. Nature, 531(7592), 70-73. [details]
    • Carbone, D., van der Horst, A. J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Swinbank, J. D., Rowlinson, A., Broderick, J. W., Cendes, Y. N., Stewart, A. J., Bell, M. E., Breton, R. P., Corbel, S., Eislöffel, J., Fender, R. P., Grießmeier, J-M., Hessels, J. W. T., Jonker, P., Kramer, M., Law, C. J., Miller-Jones, J. C. A., ... Zarka, P. (2016). New methods to constrain the radio transient rate: results from a survey of four fields with LOFAR. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 459(3), 3161-3174. [details]
    • Girard, J. N., Zarka, P., Tasse, C., Hess, S., de Pater, I., Santos-Costa, D., Nenon, Q., Sicard, A., Bourdarie, S., Anderson, J., Asgekar, A., Bell, M. E., van Bemmel, I., Bentum, M. J., Bernardi, G., Best, P., Bonafede, A., Breitling, F., Breton, R. P., ... Wucknitz, O. (2016). Imaging Jupiter's radiation belts down to 127 MHz with LOFAR. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 587, Article A3. [details]
    • Kondratiev, V. I., Verbiest, J. P. W., Hessels, J. W. T., Bilous, A. V., Stappers, B. W., Kramer, M., Keane, E. F., Noutsos, A., Osłowski, S., Breton, R. P., Hassall, T. E., Alexov, A., Cooper, S., Falcke, H., Grießmeier, J. M., Karastergiou, A., Kuniyoshi, M., Pilia, M., Sobey, C., ... Zarka, P. (2016). A LOFAR census of millisecond pulsars. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 585, Article A128. [details]
    • Marcote, B., Ribó, M., Paredes, J. M., Ishwara-Chandra, C. H., Swinbank, J. D., Broderick, J. W., Markoff, S., Fender, R., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Pooley, G. G., Stewart, A. J., Bell, M. E., Breton, R. P., Carbone, D., Corbel, S., Eislöffel, J., Falcke, H., Grießmeier, J-M., Kuniyoshi, M., ... Zarka, P. (2016). Orbital and superorbital variability of LS I +61 303 at low radio frequencies with GMRT and LOFAR. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 456(2), 1791-1802. [details]
    • Pilia, M., Hessels, J. W. T., Stappers, B. W., Kondratiev, V. I., Kramer, M., van Leeuwen, J., Weltevrede, P., Lyne, A. G., Zagkouris, K., Hassall, T. E., Bilous, A. V., Breton, R. P., Falcke, H., Grießmeier, J-M., Keane, E., Karastergiou, A., Kuniyoshi, M., Noutsos, A., Osłowski, S., ... Zarka, P. (2016). Wide-band, low-frequency pulse profiles of 100 radio pulsars with LOFAR. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 586, Article A92. [details]
    • Prasad, P., Huizinga, F., Kooistra, E., van der Schuur, D., Gunst, A., Romein, J., Kuiack, M., Molenaar, G., Rowlinson, A., Swinbank, J. D., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2016). The AARTFAAC All-Sky Monitor: System Design and Implementation. Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation, 5(4), Article 1641008. [details]
    • Stewart, A. J., Fender, R. P., Rowlinson, A., Swinbank, J. D., Molenaar, G. J., Scheers, B., Carbone, D., Cendes, Y., Hessels, J. W. T., Karastergiou, A., Kokotanekov, G., van Leeuwen, J., Markoff, S., Miller-Jones, J. C. A., Shulevski, A., Stappers, B. W., van der Horst, A. J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Wijnands, R., ... LOFAR Collaboration (2016). LOFAR MSSS: detection of a low-frequency radio transient in 400 h of monitoring of the North Celestial Pole. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 456(3), 2321-2342. [details]
    • The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration, The Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) Collaboration, The BOOTES Collaboration, The Dark Energy Survey and the Dark Energy Camera GW-EM Collaborations, The Fermi GBM Collaboration, The Fermi LAT Collaboration, The GRAvitational Wave Inaf TeAm (GRAWITA), The INTEGRAL Collaboration, The Intermediate Palomar Transient Factory (iPTF) Collaboration, The InterPlanetary Network, The J-GEM Collaboration, The La Silla-QUEST Survey, The Liverpool Telescope Collaboration, The Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) Collaboration, The MASTER Collaboration, The MAXI Collaboration, The Murchison Wide-field Array (MWA) Collaboration, The Pan-STARRS Collaboration, The PESSTO Collaboration, ... The VISTA Collaboration (2016). Localization and Broadband Follow-up of the Gravitational-wave Transient GW150914. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 826(1), Article L13. [details]
    • The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration, The Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) Collaboration, The BOOTES Collaboration, The Dark Energy Survey and the Dark Energy Camera GW-EM Collaborations, The Fermi GBM Collaboration, The Fermi LAT Collaboration, The GRAvitational Wave Inaf TeAm (GRAWITA), The INTEGRAL Collaboration, The Intermediate Palomar Transient Factory (iPTF) Collaboration, The InterPlanetary Network, The J-GEM Collaboration, The La Silla-QUEST Survey, The Liverpool Telescope Collaboration, The Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) Collaboration, The MASTER Collaboration, The MAXI Collaboration, The Murchison Wide-field Array (MWA) Collaboration, The Pan-STARRS Collaboration, The PESSTO Collaboration, ... The VISTA Collaboration (2016). Supplement: "Localization and Broadband Follow-up of the Gravitational-wave Transient GW150914" (2016, ApJL, 826, L13). The Astrophysical Journal. Supplement Series, 225(1), Article 8. [details]
    • van Putten, T., Watts, A. L., Baring, M. G., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2016). Radiative transfer simulations of magnetar flare beaming. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 461(1), 877-891. [details]


    • Collazzi, A. C., Kouveliotou, C., van der Horst, A. J., Younes, G. A., Kaneko, Y., Göğüş, E., Lin, L., Granot, J., Finger, M. H., Chaplin, V. L., Huppenkothen, D., Watts, A. L., von Kienlin, A., Baring, M. G., Gruber, D., Bhat, P. N., Gibby, M. H., Gehrels, N., Mcenery, J., ... Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2015). The Five Year Fermi/GBM Magnetar Burst Catalog. The Astrophysical Journal. Supplement Series, 218(1), Article 11. [details]
    • Heald, G. H., Pizzo, R. F., Orrú, E., Breton, R. P., Carbone, D., Ferrari, C., Hardcastle, M. J., Jurusik, W., Macario, G., Mulcahy, D., Rafferty, D., Asgekar, A., Brentjens, M., Fallows, R. A., Frieswijk, W., Toribio, M. C., Adebahr, B., Arts, M., Bell, M. R., ... Zarka, P. (2015). The LOFAR Multifrequency Snapshot Sky Survey (MSSS). I. Survey description and first results. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 582, Article A123. [details]
    • Japelj, J., Covino, S., Gomboc, A., Vergani, S. D., Goldoni, P., Selsing, J., Cano, Z., D’Elia, V., Flores, H., Fynbo, J. P. U., Hammer, F., Hjorth, J., Jakobsson, P., Kaper, L., Kopač, D., Krühler, T., Melandri, A., Piranomonte, S., Sánchez-Ramírez, R., ... Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2015). Spectrophotometric analysis of gamma-ray burst afterglow extinction curves with X-Shooter. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 579, Article A74. [details]
    • Nelles, A., Hörandel, J. R., Karskens, T., Krause, M., Buitink, S., Corstanje, A., Enriquez, J. E., Erdmann, M., Falcke, H., Haungs, A., Hiller, R., Huege, T., Krause, R., Link, K., Norden, M. J., Rachen, J. P., Rossetto, L., Schellart, P., Scholten, O., ... Zarka, P. (2015). Calibrating the absolute amplitude scale for air showers measured at LOFAR. Journal of Instrumentation, 10(11), Article P11005. [details]
    • Noutsos, A., Sobey, C., Kondratiev, V. I., Weltevrede, P., Verbiest, J. P. W., Karastergiou, A., Kramer, M., Kuniyoshi, M., Alexov, A., Breton, R. P., Bilous, A. V., Cooper, S., Falcke, H., Grießmeier, J. M., Hassall, T. E., Hessels, J. W. T., Keane, E. F., Osłowski, S., Pilia, M., ... van der Horst, A. (2015). Pulsar polarisation below 200 MHz: Average profiles and propagation effects. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 576, Article A62. [details]
    • Orrù, E., Markoff, S., Molenaar, G., Swinbank, J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Wise, M. W., & LOFAR Collaboration (2015). Wide-field LOFAR imaging of the field around the double-double radio galaxy B1834+620: A fresh view on a restarted AGN and doubeltjes. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 584, Article A112. [details]
    • Shulevski, A., et al., U., Carbone, D., van der Horst, A. J., Swinbank, J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., & Wise, M. W. (2015). The peculiar radio galaxy 4C 35.06: a case for recurrent AGN activity? Astronomy & Astrophysics, 579, Article A27. [details]
    • Sobey, C., et al., U., Hessels, J. W. T., van Leeuwen, J., Carbone, D., Markoff, S., Swinbank, J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., & Wise, M. W. (2015). LOFAR discovery of a quiet emission mode in PSR B0823+26. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 451(3), 2493-2506. [details]
    • Swinbank, J. D., Staley, T. D., Molenaar, G. J., Rol, E., Rowlinson, A., Scheers, B., Spreeuw, H., Bell, M. E., Broderick, J. W., Carbone, D., Gardsen, H., van der Horst, A. J., Law, C. J., Wise, M., Breton, R. P., Cendes, Y. N., Corbel, S., Eislöffel, J., Falcke, H., ... Zarka, P. (2015). The LOFAR Transients Pipeline. Astronomy and Computing, 11(A), 25-48. [details]
    • van der Horst, A. J., Levan, A. J., Pooley, G. C., Wiersema, K., Krühler, T., Perley, D. A., Starling, R. L. C., Curran, P. A., Tanvir, N. R., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Strom, R. G., Kouveliotou, C., Hartoog, O. E., Xu, D., Fynbo, J. P. U., & Jakobsson, P. (2015). Detailed afterglow modelling and host galaxy properties of the dark GRB 111215A. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 446(4), 4116-4125. [details]


    • Anderson, G. E., van der Horst, A. J., Staley, T. D., Fender, R. P., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Scaife, A. M. M., Rumsey, C., Titterington, D. J., Rowlinson, A., & Saunders, R. D. E. (2014). Probing the bright radio flare and afterglow of GRB 130427A with the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 440(3), 2059-2065. [details]
    • Feroci, M., van der Klis, M., Watts, A., Altamirano, D., Ingram, A., Stappers, B. W., Uttley, P., Wijers, R., Wijnands, R., & LOFT Consortium (2014). The Large Observatory for x-ray Timing. In T. Takahashi, J-WA. den Herder, & M. Bautz (Eds.), Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray: 22-26 June 2014, Montréal, Canada (Vol. 2). Article 91442T (Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering; Vol. 9144). SPIE. [details]
    • Fynbo, J. P. U., Krühler, T., Leighly, K., Ledoux, C., Vreeswijk, P. M., Schulze, S., Noterdaeme, P., Watson, D., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Bolmer, J., Cano, Z., Christensen, L., Covino, S., D’Elia, V., Flores, H., Friis, M., Goldoni, P., Greiner, J., Hammer, F., ... Zafar, T. (2014). The mysterious optical afterglow spectrum of GRB 140506A at z = 0.889. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 572, Article A12. [details]
    • Jelić, V., et al., U., Hessels, J. W. T., van der Horst, A., van Leeuwen, J., Rowlinson, A., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2014). Initial LOFAR observations of epoch of reionization windows. II. Diffuse polarized emission in the ELAIS-N1 field. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 568, A101. [details]
    • Levan, A. J., Tanvir, N. R., Starling, R. L. C., Wiersema, K., Page, K. L., Perley, D. A., Schulze, S., Wynn, G. A., Chornock, R., Hjorth, J., Cenko, S. B., Fruchter, A. S., O'Brien, P. T., Brown, G. C., Tunnicliffe, R. L., Malesani, D., Jakobsson, P., Watson, D., Berger, E., ... Zauderer, B. A. (2014). A New Population of Ultra-long Duration Gamma-Ray Bursts. Astrophysical Journal, 781(1), Article 13. [details]
    • Leventis, K., Wijers, R. A. M. J., & van der Horst, A. J. (2014). The plateau phase of gamma-ray burst afterglows in the thick-shell scenario. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 437(3), 2448-2460. [details]
    • Oonk, J. B. R., et al., U., Alexov, A., Hessels, J. W. T., van der Horst, A., van Leeuwen, J., Markoff, S., Miller-Jones, J. C. A., Swinbank, J., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2014). Discovery of carbon radio recombination lines in absorption towards Cygnus A. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 437(4), 3506-3515. [details]
    • Prasad, P., Wijnholds, S. J., Huizinga, F., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2014). Real-time calibration of the AARTFAAC array for transient detection. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 568, Article A48. [details]
    • Rowlinson, A., Gompertz, B. P., Dainotti, M., Wijers, R. A. M. J., & van der Horst, A. J. (2014). Constraining properties of GRB magnetar central engines using the observed plateau luminosity and duration correlation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 443(2), 1779-1787. [details]
    • Sparre, M., Hartoog, O. E., Krühler, T., Fynbo, J. P. U., Watson, D. J., Wiersema, K., D'Elia, V., Zafar, T., Afonso, P. M. J., Covino, S., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Flores, H., Goldoni, P., Greiner, J., Hjorth, J., Jakobsson, P., Kaper, L., Klose, S., Levan, A. J., ... Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2014). The Metallicity and Dust Content of a Redshift 5 Gamma-Ray Burst Host Galaxy. Astrophysical Journal, 785(2), 150. [details]
    • Wiersema, K., Covino, S., Toma, K., van der Horst, A. J., Varela, K., Min, M., Greiner, J., Starling, R. L. C., Tanvir, N. R., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Campana, S., Curran, P. A., Fan, Y., Fynbo, J. P. U., Gorosabel, J., Gomboc, A., Götz, D., Hjorth, J., Jin, Z. P., ... Willingale, R. (2014). Circular polarization in the optical afterglow of GRB 121024A. Nature, 509(7499), 201-204. [details]
    • Younes, G., Kouveliotou, C., van der Horst, A. J., Baring, M. G., Granot, J., Watts, A. L., Bhat, P. N., Collazzi, A., Gehrels, N., Gorgone, N., Göğüş, E., Gruber, D., Grunblatt, S., Huppenkothen, D., Kaneko, Y., von Kienlin, A., van der Klis, M., Lin, L., Mcenery, J., ... Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2014). Time Resolved Spectroscopy of SGR J1550-5418 Bursts Detected with Fermi/Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor. Astrophysical Journal, 785(1), Article 52. [details]
    • de Ugarte Postigo, A., Thöne, C. C., Rowlinson, A., García-Benito, R., Levan, A. J., Gorosabel, J., Goldoni, P., Schulze, S., Zafar, T., Wiersema, K., Sánchez-Ramírez, R., Melandri, A., D’Avanzo, P., Oates, S., D’Elia, V., de Pasquale, M., Krühler, T., van der Horst, A. J., Xu, D., ... Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2014). Spectroscopy of the short-hard GRB 130603B: The host galaxy and environment of a compact object merger. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 563, Article A62. [details]
    • van der Horst, A. J., Paragi, Z., de Bruyn, A. G., Granot, J., Kouveliotou, C., Wiersema, K., Starling, R. L. C., Curran, P. A., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Rowlinson, A., Anderson, G. A., Fender, R. P., Yang, J., & Strom, R. G. (2014). A comprehensive radio view of the extremely bright gamma-ray burst 130427A. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 444(4), 3151-3163. [details]


    • Asgekar, A., et al., U., Hessels, J. W. T., van Leeuwen, J., Markoff, S., Scheers, B., Wijers, R. A. M. J., & Wise, M. W. (2013). LOFAR detections of low-frequency radio recombination lines towards Cassiopeia A. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 551, L11. [details]
    • Dahle, H., Sarazin, C. L., Lopez, L. A., Kouveliotou, C., Patel, S. K., Rol, E., van der Horst, A. J., Fynbo, J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Burrows, D. N., Gehrels, N., Grupe, D., Ramirez-Ruiz, E., & Michałowski, M. J. (2013). The Burst Cluster: Dark Matter in a Cluster Merger Associated with the Short Gamma-Ray Burst, GRB 050509B. Astrophysical Journal, 772(1), 23. [details]
    • Hartoog, O. E., Wiersema, K., Vreeswijk, P. M., Kaper, L., Tanvir, N. R., Savaglio, S., Berger, E., Chornock, R., Covino, S., D'Elia, V., Flores, H., Fynbo, J. P. U., Goldoni, P., Gomboc, A., Melandri, A., Pozanenko, A., Schaye, J., De Ugarte Postigo, A., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2013). The host-galaxy response to the afterglow of GRB 100901A. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 430(4), 2739-2754. [details]
    • Hermsen, W., Hessels, J. W. T., et al., U., van Leeuwen, J., Rankin, J. M., Coenen, T., Markoff, S., Wijers, R. A. M. J., & Wise, M. W. (2013). Synchronous X-ray and Radio Mode Switches: A Rapid Global Transformation of the Pulsar Magnetosphere. Science, 339(6118), 436-439. [details]
    • Inoue, S., Granof, J., O'Brien, P. T., Asano, K., Bouvier, A., Carosi, A., Connaughton, V., Garczarczyk, M., Gilmore, R., Hinton, J., Inoue, Y., Kakuwa, J., Markoff, S., Murase, K., Osborne, J. P., Otte, A. N., Starling, R., Tajima, H., Teshima, M., ... Yamazaki, R. (2013). Gamma-ray burst science in the era of the Cherenkov Telescope Array. Astroparticle Physics, 43, 252-275. [details]
    • Krühler, T., Ledoux, C., Fynbo, J. P. U., Vreeswijk, P. M., Schmidl, S., Malesani, D., Christensen, L., De Cia, A., Hjorth, J., Jakobsson, P., Kann, D. A., Kaper, L., Vergani, S. D., Afonso, P. M. J., Covino, S., de Ugarte Postigo, A., D'Elia, V., Filgas, R., Goldoni, P., ... Xu, D. (2013). Molecular hydrogen in the damped Lyman α system towards GRB 120815A at z = 2.36. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 557, Article A18. [details]
    • Leventis, K., van der Horst, A. J., van Eerten, H. J., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2013). Applying an accurate spherical model to gamma-ray burst afterglow observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 431(2), 1026-1038. [details]
    • Offringa, A. R., et al., U., Hessels, J., Swinbank, J., van Leeuwen, J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., & Wise, M. (2013). The LOFAR radio environment. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 549, A11. [details]
    • Paragi, Z., van der Horst, A. J., Belloni, T., Miller-Jones, J. C. A., Linford, J., Taylor, G., Yang, J., Garrett, M. A., Granot, J., Kouveliotou, C., Kuulkers, E., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2013). VLBI observations of the shortest orbital period black hole binary, MAXI J1659-152. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 432(2), 1319-1329. [details]
    • Schellart, P., Nelles, A., et al., U., Falcke, H., Hörandel, J. R., Alexov, A., Hessels, J. W. T., Markoff, S., Miller-Jones, J. C. A., Swinbank, J., van Leeuwen, J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., & Wise, M. W. (2013). Detecting cosmic rays with the LOFAR radio telescope. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 560, A98. [details]
    • Sotomayor-Beltran, C., et al., U., Hessels, J. W. T., Alexov, A., van Leeuwen, J., Markoff, S., Wijers, R. A. M. J., & Wise, M. W. (2013). Calibrating high-precision Faraday rotation measurements for LOFAR and the next generation of low-frequency radio telescopes. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 552, Article A58. [details]
    • Thöne, C. C., Fynbo, J. P. U., Goldoni, P., Postigo de Ugarte, A., Campana, S., Vergani, S. D., Covino, S., Krühler, T., Kaper, L., Tanvir, N., Zafar, T., D'Elia, V., Gorosabel, J., Groot, P., Hammer, F., Jakobsson, P., Klose, S., Levan, A. J., Milvang-Jensen, B., ... Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2013). GRB 100219A with X-shooter - abundances in a galaxy at z =4.7. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 428(4), 3590-3606. [details]
    • van Haarlem, M. P., et al., U., Wise, M. W., Hessels, J. W. T., Swinbank, J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Coenen, T., van der Horst, A. J., van Leeuwen, J., Markoff, S., & Scheers, B. (2013). LOFAR: The LOw-Frequency ARray. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 556, A2. [details]
    • van der Horst, A. J., Curran, P. A., Miller-Jones, J. C. A., Linford, J. D., Gorosabel, J., Russell, D. M., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Lundgren, A. A., Taylor, G. B., Maitra, D., Guziy, S., Belloni, T. M., Kouveliotou, C., Jonker, P. G., Kamble, A., Paragi, Z., Homan, J., Kuulkers, E., Granot, J., ... Yang, Y. J. (2013). Broad-band monitoring tracing the evolution of the jet and disc in the black hole candidate X-ray binary MAXI J1659-152. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 436(3), 2625-2638. [details]


    • Abadie, J., et al., U., Homan, J., Fender, R., Stappers, B. W., Swinbank, J., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2012). Implementation and testing of the first prompt search for gravitational wave transients with electromagnetic counterparts. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 539, A124. [details]
    • Bufano, F., Pian, E., Sollerman, J., Benetti, S., Pignata, G., Valenti, S., Covino, S., D'Avanzo, P., Malesani, D., Cappellaro, E., Della Valle, M., Fynbo, J., Hjorth, J., Mazzali, P. A., Reichart, D. E., Starling, R. L. C., Turatto, M., Vergani, S. D., Wiersema, K., ... Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2012). The Highly Energetic Expansion of SN 2010bh Associated with GRB 100316D. Astrophysical Journal, 753(1), 67. [details]
    • Hassall, T. E., Stappers, B. W., Hessels, J. W. T., Kramer, M., Alexov, A., Anderson, K., Coenen, T., et al., U., van Leeuwen, J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Markoff, S., Scheers, B., Spreeuw, H., Swinbank, J., Wise, M. W., & Wijnands, R. (2012). Wide-band simultaneous observations of pulsars: disentangling dispersion measure and profile variations. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 543, A66. [details]
    • Horesh, A., Kulkarni, S. R., Fox, D. B., Carpenter, J., Kasliwal, M. M., Ofek, E. O., Quimby, R., Gal-Yam, A., Cenko, S. B., de Bruyn, A. G., Kamble, A., Wijers, R. A. M. J., van der Horst, A. J., Kouveliotou, C., Podsiadlowski, P., Sullivan, M., Maguire, K., Howell, D. A., Nugent, P. E., ... Shara, M. (2012). Early Radio and X-Ray Observations of the Youngest nearby Type Ia Supernova PTF 11kly (SN 2011fe). Astrophysical Journal, 746(1), 21. [details]
    • Leventis, K., van Eerten, H. J., Meliani, Z., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2012). Practical flux prescriptions for gamma-ray burst afterglows, from early to late times. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 427(2), 1329-1343. [details]
    • Meerburg, P. D., Wijers, R. A. M. J., & van der Schaar, J. P. (2012). WMAP7 constraints on oscillations in the primordial power spectrum. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 421, 369-380. [details]
    • Tanvir, N. R., Levan, A. J., Fruchter, A. S., Fynbo, J. P. U., Hjorth, J., Wiersema, K., Bremer, M. N., Rhoads, J., Jakobsson, P., O'Brien, P. T., Stanway, E. R., Bersier, D., Natarajan, P., Greiner, J., Watson, D., Castro-Tirado, A., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Starling, R. L. C., Misra, K., ... Kouveliotou, C. (2012). Star Formation in the Early Universe: Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg. Astrophysical Journal, 754(1), 46. [details]
    • Wiersema, K., Curran, P., Krühler, T., Melandri, A., Rol, E., Starling, R. L. C., Tanvir, N. R., van der Horst, A. J., Covino, S., Fynbo, J. P. U., Goldoni, P., Gorosabel, J., Hjorth, J., Klose, S., Mundell, C. G., O'Brien, P. T., Palazzi, E., Wijers, R. A. M. J., D'Elia, V., ... Vergani, S. D. (2012). Detailed optical and near-infrared polarimetry, spectroscopy and broad-band photometry of the afterglow of GRB 091018: polarization evolution. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 426(1), 2-22. [details]
    • Wiersema, K., van der Horst, A. J., Levan, A. J., Tanvir, N. R., Karjalainen, R., Kamble, A., Kouveliotou, C., Metzger, B. D., Russell, D., Skillen, I., Starling, R. L. C., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2012). Polarimetry of the transient relativistic jet of GRB 110328/Swift J164449.3+573451. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 421(3), 1942-1948. [details]
    • den Herder, J. W., Piro, L., Ohashi, T., Kouveliotou, C., Hartmann, D. H., Kaastra, J. S., Amati, L., Andersen, M. I., Arnaud, M., Atteia, J-L., Bandler, S., Barbera, M., Barcons, X., Barthelmy, S., Basa, S., Basso, S., de Boer, M., Branchini, E., Branduardi-Raymont, G., ... Zane, S. (2012). ORIGIN: metal creation and evolution from the cosmic dawn. Experimental Astronomy, 34, 519-549. [details]
    • van der Horst, A. J., Kouveliotou, C., Gorgone, N. M., Kaneko, Y., Baring, M. G., Guiriec, S., Göğüş, E., Granot, J., Watts, A. L., Lin, L., Bhat, P. N., Bissaldi, E., Chaplin, V. L., Finger, M. H., Gehrels, N., Gibby, M. H., Giles, M. M., Goldstein, A., Gruber, D., ... Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2012). SGR J1550-5418 Bursts Detected with the Fermi Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor during its Most Prolific Activity. Astrophysical Journal, 749(2), Article 122. [details]


    • Bell, M. E., Fender, R. P., Swinbank, J., Miller-Jones, J. C. A., Law, C. J., Scheers, L. H. A., Spreeuw, J. N., Wise, M. W., Stappers, B. W., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Hessels, J. W. T., & Masters, J. (2011). An automated archival Very Large Array transients survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 415, 2-10. [details]
    • Cano, Z., Bersier, D., Guidorzi, C., Kobayashi, S., Levan, A. J., Tanvir, N. R., Wiersema, K., D'Avanzo, P., Fruchter, A. S., Garnavich, P., Gomboc, A., Gorosabel, J., Kasen, D., Kopač, D., Margutti, R., Mazzali, P. A., Melandri, A., Mundell, C. G., Nugent, P. E., ... Woosley, S. E. (2011). XRF 100316D/SN 2010bh and the nature of gamma-ray burst supernovae. Astrophysical Journal, 740, 41. [details]
    • Cano, Z., Bersier, D., Guidorzi, C., Margutti, R., Svensson, K. M., Kobayashi, S., Melandri, A., Wiersema, K., Pozanenko, A., van der Horst, A. J., Pooley, G. G., Fernandez-Soto, A., Castro-Tirado, A. J., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Im, M., Kamble, A. P., Sahu, D., Alonso-Lorite, J., Anupama, G., ... Young, D. R. (2011). A tale of two GRB-SNe at a common redshift of z=0.54. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 413, 669-685. [details]
    • Curran, P. A., Starling, R. L. C., van der Horst, A. J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., de Pasquale, M., & Page, M. (2011). Testing the blast wave model with Swift GRBs. Advances in Space Research, 47(8), 1362-1366. [details]
    • Levan, A. J., Tanvir, N. R., Cenko, S. B., Perley, D. A., Wiersema, K., Bloom, J. S., Fruchter, A. S., de Ugarte Postigo, A., O'Brien, P. T., Butler, N., van der Horst, A. J., Leloudas, G., Morgan, A. N., Misra, K., Bower, G. C., Farihi, J., Tunnicliffe, R. L., Modjaz, M., Silverman, J. M., ... Xu, D. (2011). An extremely luminous panchromatic outburst from the nucleus of a distant galaxy. Science, 333, 199-202. [details]
    • Lin, L., Kouveliotou, C., Baring, M. G., van der Horst, A. J., Guiriec, S., Woods, P. M., Göğüş, E., Kaneko, Y., Scargle, J., Granot, J., Preece, R., von Kienlin, A., Chaplin, V., Watts, A. L., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Zhang, S. N., Bhat, N., Finger, M. H., Gehrels, N., ... Wilson-Hodge, C. (2011). Fermi/Gamma-ray burst monitor observations of SGR J0501+4516 bursts. Astrophysical Journal, 739(2). [details]
    • Lin, L., Kouveliotou, C., Göğüş, E., van der Horst, A. J., Watts, A. L., Baring, M. G., Kaneko, Y., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Woods, P. M., Barthelmy, S., Burgess, J. M., Chaplin, V., Gehrels, N., Goldstein, A., Granot, J., Guiriec, S., Mcenery, J., Preece, R. D., Tierney, D., ... Zhang, S. N. (2011). Burst and persistent emission properties during the recent active episode of the anomalous X-ray pulsar 1E 1841-045. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 740(1). [details]
    • Sparre, M., Sollerman, J., Fynbo, J. P. U., Malesani, D., Goldoni, P., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Covino, S., D'Elia, V., Flores, H., Hammer, F., Hjorth, J., Jakobsson, P., Kaper, L., Leloudas, G., Levan, A. J., Milvang-Jensen, B., Schulze, S., Tagliaferri, G., Tanvir, N. R., ... Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2011). Spectroscopic evidence for SN 2010ma associated with GRB 101219B. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 735. [details]
    • Stappers, B. W., Hessels, J. W. T., Alexov, A., Anderson, K., Coenen, T., Hassall, T., Karastergiou, A., Kondratiev, V. I., Kramer, M., van Leeuwen, J., Mol, J. D., Noutsos, A., Romein, J. W., Weltevrede, P., Fender, R., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Baehren, L., Bell, M. E., Broderick, J., ... Zensus, A. (2011). Observing pulsars and fast transients with LOFAR. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 530. [details]
    • Vergani, S. D., Flores, H., Covino, S., Fugazza, D., Gorosabel, J., Levan, A. J., Puech, M., Salvaterra, R., Tello, J. C., de Ugarte Postigo, A., D'Avanzo, P., D'Elia, V., Fernández, M., Fynbo, J. P. U., Ghirlanda, G., Jelínek, M., Lundgren, A., Malesani, D., Palazzi, E., ... Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2011). GRB 091127/SN 2009nz and the VLT/X-shooter spectroscopy of its host galaxy: probing the faint end of the mass-metallicity relation. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 535. [details]
    • van Eerten, H. J., Meliani, Z., Wijers, R. A. M. J., & Keppens, R. (2011). Jet simulations and gamma-ray burst afterglow jet breaks. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 410(3), 2016-2024. [details]
    • van der Horst, A. J., Kamble, A. P., Paragi, Z., Sage, L. J., Pal, S., Taylor, G. B., Kouveliotou, C., Granot, J., Ramirez-Ruiz, E., Ishwara-Chandra, C. H., Oosterloo, T. A., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Wiersema, K., Strom, R. G., Bhattacharya, D., Rol, E., Starling, R. L. C., Curran, P. A., & Garret, M. A. (2011). Detailed radio view on two stellar explosions and their host galaxy: XRF 080109/SN 2008D and SN 2007uy in NGC 2770. Astrophysical Journal, 726(2). [details]


    • Castro-Tirado, A. J., Møller, P., García-Segura, G., Gorosabel, J., Pérez, E., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Solano, E., Barrado, D., Klose, S., Kann, D. A., Castro Cerón, J. M., Kouveliotou, C., Fynbo, J. P. U., Hjorth, J., Pedersen, H., Pian, E., Rol, E., Palazzi, E., Masetti, N., ... van den Heuvel, E. P. J. (2010). GRB 021004: Tomography of a gamma-ray burst progenitor and its host galaxy. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 517, A61. [details]
    • Göğüş, E., Cusumano, G., Levan, A. J., Kouveliotou, C., Sakamoto, T., Barthelmy, S. D., Campana, S., Kaneko, Y., Stappers, B. W., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Strohmayer, T., Palmer, D. M., Gelbord, J., Burrows, D. N., van der Horst, A. J., Muñoz-Darias, T., Gehrels, N., Hessels, J. W. T., Kamble, A. P., ... Woods, P. M. (2010). Discovery of a new soft gamma repeater, SGR J1833-0832. Astrophysical Journal, 718(1), 331-339. [details]
    • Spreeuw, H., Scheers, B., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2010). Low frequency observations of the radio nebula produced by the giant flare from SGR 1806-20: Polarimetry and total intensity measurements. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 509, A99. [details]
    • Watts, A. L., Kouveliotou, C., van der Horst, A. J., Göğüş, E., Kaneko, Y., van der Klis, M., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Harding, A. K., & Baring, M. G. (2010). Photospheric radius expansion during magnetar bursts. Astrophysical Journal, 719(1), 190-200. [details]
    • de Ugarte Postigo, A., Goldoni, P., Thöne, C. C., Vergani, S. D., D'Elia, V., Piranomonte, S., Malesani, D., Covino, S., Flores, H., Fynbo, J. P. U., Hjorth, J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., D'Odorico, S., Hammer, F., Kaper, L., Kjærgaard, P., Randich, S., Andersen, M. I., Antonelli, L. A., ... Vernet, J. (2010). GRB 090313: X-shooter's first shot at a gamma-ray burst. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 513, A42. [details]
    • ter Veen, S., Falcke, H., Fender, R., Hörandel, J. R., James, C. W., Rawlings, S., Schellart, P., Stappers, B., Wijers, R., Wise, M., & Zarka, P. (2010). FRATs: a real-time search for Fast Radio Transients with LOFAR. Proceedings of Science, 112, 083. [details]
    • van Eerten, H. J., Leventis, K., Meliani, Z., Wijers, R. A. M. J., & Keppens, R. (2010). Gamma-ray burst afterglows from transrelativistic blast wave simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 403(1), 300-316. [details]


    • Curran, P. A., Starling, R. L. C., van der Horst, A. J., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2009). Testing the blast wave model with Swift GRBs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 395(1), 580-592. [details]
    • Curran, P. A., van der Horst, A. J., Starling, R. L. C., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2009). Swift GRBs and the blast wave model. In C. Meegan, N. Gehrels, & C. Kouveliotou (Eds.), Gamma-Ray Bursts: 6th Huntsville symposium : Huntsville, Alabama, 20-23 October 2008 (pp. 187-192). (AIP Conference Proceedings; Vol. 1133). American Institute of Physics. [details]
    • Kamble, A., van der Horst, A. J., Bhattacharya, D., Wijers, R., Chandra, C. H. I., Resmi, L., Rol, E., Kouveliotou, C., & Strom, R. (2009). Five Years of Multi-frequency Monitoring of GRB030329 Afterglow Using the GMRT and WSRT. In C. Meegan, N. Gehrels, & C. Kouveliotou (Eds.), Gamma-Ray Bursts: 6th Huntsville symposium : Huntsville, Alabama, 20-23 October 2008 (pp. 169-174). (AIP Conference Proceedings; Vol. 1133). American Institute of Physics. [details]
    • Kamble, A., van der Horst, A. J., Bhattacharya, D., Wijers, R., Chandra, C. H. I., Resmi, L., Rol, E., Kouveliotou, C., & Strom, R. (2009). Five Years of Multi-frequency Monitoring of GRB030329 Afterglow Using the GMRT and WSRT. In D. J. Saikia, D. A. Green, Y. Gupta, & T. Venturi (Eds.), The Low-Frequency Radio Universe: an event commemorating the birth centenary of Dr. Homi J. Bhabha : proceedings of a conference held at National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (NCRA), TIFR, Pune, India, 8-12 December 2008 (pp. 295-298). (Astronomical Society of the Pacific conference series; Vol. 407). Astronomical Society of the Pacific. [details]
    • Pandey, S. B., Castro-Tirado, A. J., Jelínek, M., Kamble, A. P., Gorosabel, J., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Prins, S., Oreiro, R., Chantry, V., Trushkin, S., Bremer, M., Winters, J. M., Pozanenko, A., Krugly, Y., Slyusarev, I., Kornienko, G., Erofeeva, A., Misra, K., Ramprakash, A. N., ... Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2009). Multi-wavelength observations of the GRB 080319B afterglow and the modeling constraints. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 504(1), 45-51. [details]
    • Piro, L., den Herder, J. W., Hermsen, W., Méndez, M., Wijers, R., & Explorer of Diffuse Emission and Gamma-ray burst Explosions (EDGE) (2009). EDGE: Explorer of diffuse emission and gamma-ray burst explosions. Experimental Astronomy, 23(1), 67-89. [details]
    • Spreeuw, H., Scheers, B., Braun, R., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Miller-Jones, J. C. A., Stappers, B. W., & Fender, R. P. (2009). A new perspective on GCRT J1745-3009. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 502(2), 549-558. [details]
    • Stappers, B., Fender, R., & Wijers, R. (2009). The LOFAR Transients Key Science Project. Proceedings of Science, 82, 021. [details]
    • Tanvir, N. R., Fox, D. B., Levan, A. J., Berger, E., Wiersema, K., Fynbo, J. P. U., Cucchiara, A., Krühler, T., Gehrels, N., Bloom, J. S., Greiner, J., Evans, P. A., Rol, E., Olivares, F., Hjorth, J., Jakobsson, P., Farihi, J., Willingale, R., Starling, R. L. C., ... Wolf, C. (2009). A gamma-ray burst at a redshift of z~8.2. Nature, 461(7268), 1254-1257. [details]
    • van Eerten, H. J., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2009). From blast wave to observation. In C. Meegan, N. Gehrels, & C. Kouveliotou (Eds.), Gamma-Ray Bursts: 6th Huntsville symposium : Huntsville, Alabama, 20-23 October 2008 (pp. 151-156). (AIP Conference Proceedings; Vol. 1133). American Institute of Physics. [details]
    • van Eerten, H. J., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2009). Gamma-ray burst afterglow scaling coefficients for general density profiles. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 394(4), 2164-2174. [details]
    • van Eerten, H. J., Meliani, Z., Wijers, R. A. M. J., & Keppens, R. (2009). No visible optical variability from a relativistic blast wave encountering a wind termination shock. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Letters, 398(1), L63-L67. [details]
    • van der Horst, A. J., Kouveliotou, C., Gehrels, N., Rol, E., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Cannizzo, J. K., Racusin, J., & Burrows, D. N. (2009). Dark Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Swift Era. In C. Meegan, N. Gehrels, & C. Kouveliotou (Eds.), Gamma-Ray Bursts: 6th Huntsville symposium : Huntsville, Alabama, 20-23 October 2008 (pp. 193-198). (AIP Conference Proceedings; Vol. 1133). American Institute of Physics. [details]
    • van der Horst, A. J., Kouveliotou, C., Gehrels, N., Rol, E., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Cannizzo, J. K., Racusin, J., & Burrows, D. N. (2009). Optical classification of gamma-ray bursts in the Swift era. Astrophysical Journal, 699(2), 1087-1091. [details]


    • Curran, P. A., Starling, R. L. C., O'Brien, P. T., Godet, O., van der Horst, A. J., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2008). On the nature of late X-ray flares in Swift gamma-ray bursts. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 487(2), 533-538. [details]
    • Curran, P. A., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Heemskerk, M. H. M., Starling, R. L. C., Wiersema, K., & van der Horst, A. J. (2008). Robust photometric redshift determinations of gamma-ray burst afterglows at z greater than or similar to 2. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 490(3), 1047-1053. [details]
    • Curran, P. A., van der Horst, A. J., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2008). Are the missing X-ray breaks in gamma-ray burst afterglow light curves merely hidden? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 386(2), 859-863. [details]
    • Curran, P. A., van der Horst, A. J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., & Starling, R. L. C. (2008). The hidden X-ray breaks in afterglow light curves. In M. Galassi, D. Palmer, & E. Fenimore (Eds.), Gamma-Ray Bursts 2007: proceedings of the Santa Fe conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 5-9 November 2007 (pp. 208-211). (AIP Conference Proceedings; Vol. 1000). American Institute of Physics. [details]
    • Gehrels, N., Barthelmy, S. D., Burrows, D. N., Cannizzo, J. K., Chincarini, G., Fenimore, E., Kouveliotou, C., O'Brien, P., Palmer, D. M., Racusin, J., Roming, P. W. A., Sakamoto, T., Tueller, J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., & Zhang, B. (2008). Correlations of prompt and afterglow emission in Swift long and short gamma-ray bursts. Astrophysical Journal, 689(2), 1161-1172. [details]
    • Racusin, J. L., Karpov, S. V., Sokolowski, M., Granot, J., Wu, X. F., Pal'shin, V., Covino, S., van der Horst, A. J., Oates, S. R., Schady, P., Smith, R. J., Cummings, J., Starling, R. L. C., Piotrowski, L. W., Zhang, B., Evans, P. A., Holland, S. T., Malek, K., Page, M. T., ... Burrows, D. N. (2008). Broadband observations of the naked-eye gamma-ray burst GRB 080319B. Nature, 455(7210), 183-188. [details]
    • Starling, R. L. C., van der Horst, A. J., Rol, E., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Kouveliotou, C., Wiersema, K., Curran, P. A., & Weltevrede, P. (2008). Gamma-ray burst afterglows as probes of environment and blast wave physics. II. The distribution of p and structure of the circumburst medium. Astrophysical Journal, 672(1), 433-442. [details]
    • Thöne, C. C., Wiersema, K., Ledoux, C., Starling, R. L. C., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Levan, A. J., Fynbo, J. P. U., Curran, P. A., Gorosabel, J., van der Horst, A. J., Llorente, A., Rol, E., Tanvir, N. R., Vreeswijk, P. M., Wijers, R. A. M. J., & Kewley, L. J. (2008). The host of GRB 060206: Kinematics of a distant galaxy. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 489(1), 37-48. [details]
    • Updike, A. C., Haislip, J. B., Nysewander, M. C., Fruchter, A. S., Kann, D. A., Klose, S., Milne, P. A., Williams, G. G., Zheng, W., Hergenrother, C. W., Prochaska, J. X., Halpern, J. P., Mirabal, N., Thorstensen, J. R., van der Horst, A. J., Starling, R. L. C., Racusin, J. L., Burrows, D. N., Kuin, N. P. M., ... Hartmann, D. H. (2008). The rapidly flaring afterglow of the very bright and energetic GRB 070125. Astrophysical Journal, 685(1), 361-375. [details]
    • Wiersema, K., van der Horst, A. J., Kann, D. A., Rol, E., Starling, R. L. C., Curran, P. A., Gorosabel, J., Levan, A. J., Fynbo, J. P. U., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Castro-Tirado, A. J., Guziy, S. S., Hornstrup, A., Hjorth, J., Jelínek, M., Jensen, B. L., Kidger, M., Martín-Luis, F., ... Vreeswijk, P. M. (2008). Spectroscopy and multiband photometry of the afterglow of intermediate duration gamma-ray burst GRB 040924 and its host galaxy. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 481(2), 319-326. [details]
    • van der Horst, A. J., Kamble, A., Resmi, L., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Bhattacharya, D., Scheers, B., Rol, E., Strom, R., Kouveliotou, C., Oosterloo, T., & Ishwara-Chandra, C. H. (2008). Detailed study of the GRB 030329 radio afterglow deep into the non-relativistic phase. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 480(1), 35-43. [details]


    • Fynbo, J. P. U., Starling, R. L. C., Ledoux, C., Wiersema, K., Thöne, C. C., Sollerman, J., Jakobsson, P., Hjorth, J., Watson, D., Vreeswijk, P. M., Møller, P., Rol, E., Gorosabel, J., Näränen, J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Björnsson, G., Castro Cerón, J. M., Curran, P., Hartmann, D. H., ... Tanvir, N. R. (2006). Probing cosmic chemical evolution with gamma-ray bursts: GRB 060206 at z = 4.048. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 451(3), L47-L50. [details]
    • Maiorano, E., Masetti, N., Palazzi, E., Savaglio, S., Rol, E., Vreeswijk, P. M., Pian, E., Price, P. A., Peterson, B. A., Jelínek, M., Amati, L., Andersen, M. I., Castro-Tirado, A. J., Castro Cerón, J. M., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Frontera, F., Fruchter, A. S., Fynbo, J. P. U., Gorosabel, J., ... van den Heuvel, E. P. J. (2006). Physics of the GRB 030328 afterglow and its environment. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 455(2), 423-431. [details]


    • Zanin, R., CTA Observatory, CTA Consortium, & LST Collaboration (2022). Cherenkov Telescope Array: the World's largest VHE gamma-ray observatory. Proceedings of Science, 395, Article 005. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Covino, S., Wiersema, K., Fan, Y. Z., Toma, K., Higgins, A. B., Melandri, A., D'Avanzo, P., Mundell, C. G., Palazzi, E., Tanvir, N. R., Bernardini, M. G., Branchesi, M., Brocato, E., Campana, S., Alighieri, S. D. S., Götz, D., Fynbo, J. P. U., Gao, W., Gomboc, A., ... Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2017). Author Correction: The unpolarized macronova associated with the gravitational wave event GW 170817. Nature Astronomy, 1, 805.
    • Marcote, B., Ribó, M., Paredes, J. M., Ishwara-Chandra, C. H., Swinbank, J. D., Broderick, J. W., Markoff, S., Fender, R., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Pooley, G. G., Stewart, A. J., Bell, M. E., Breton, R. P., Carbone, D., Corbel, S., Eislöffel, J., Falcke, H., Grießmeier, J-M., Kuniyoshi, M., ... Zarka, P. (2017). Measuring the expansion velocity of the outflows of LS I +61 303 through low-frequency radio observations. In F. A. Aharonian, W. Hofmann, & F. M. Rieger (Eds.), High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy: 6th international meeting on high energy gamma-ray astronomy : Heidelberg, Germany, 11-15 July 2016 Article 040018 (AIP Conference Proceedings; Vol. 1792). AIP Publishing. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Buitink, S., Corstanje, A., Falcke, H., Hörandel, J. R., Huege, T., Nelles, A., Rachen, J. P., Rossetto, L., Schellart, P., Scholten, O., Ter Veen, S., Thoudam, S., Trinh, T. N. G., Anderson, J., Asgekar, A., Avruch, I. M., Bell, M. E., Bentum, M. J., Bernardi, G., ... Zensus, J. A. (2016). Corrigendum: A large light-mass component of cosmic rays at 1017-1017.5 electronvolts from radio observations. Nature, 537(7621), 572.
    • Feroci, M., van der Klis, M., Watts, A., Alpar, A., Altamirano, D., Belloni, T., Casella, P., Degenaar, N., den Herder, J. W., Di Salvo, T., Esposito, P., Fender, R., Gogus, E., Götz, D., Hermsen, W., Homan, J., Huppenkothen, D., Ingram, A., Jonker, P., ... LOFT Consortium (2016). The LOFT mission concept: a status update. In J-WA. den Herder, T. Takahasi, & M. Bautz (Eds.), Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray: 26 June-1 July 2016, Edinburgh, United Kingdom (Vol. 1). Article 99051R (Proceedings of SPIE; Vol. 9905). SPIE. [details]



    • Feroci, M., den Herder, J. W., van der Klis, M., Watts, A., Altamirano, D., Belloni, T., Boutloukos, S., Casella, P., Di Salvo, T., Götz, D., Homan, J., Jonker, P., Maccarone, T. J., Mendez, M., Migliari, S., Rea, N., Soleri, P., Stappers, B., Uttley, P., ... LOFT Consortium (2012). LOFT: the Large Observatory For x-ray Timing. In T. Takahashi, S. S. Murray, & J-WA. den Herder (Eds.), Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2012: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray: 1-6 July 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands (Vol. 2). Article 84432D (Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering; Vol. 8443). SPIE., [details]
    • Marcote, B., Ribó, M., Paredes, J. M., Swinbank, J., Broderick, J., Fender, R., Markoff, S., & Wijers, R. (2012). First LOFAR observations of gamma-ray binaries. In F. A. Aharonian, W. Hofmann, & F. M. Rieger (Eds.), High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy: 5th International Meeting on High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy : Heidelberg, Germany, 9-13 July 2012 (pp. 374-377). (AIP Conference Proceedings; Vol. 1505). American Institute of Physics. [details]


    • Stappers, B., Hessels, J., Alexov, A., Anderson, K., Coenen, T., Hassall, T., Karastergiou, A., Kondratiev, V., Kramer, M., van Leeuwen, J., Mol, J. D., Noutsos, A., Romein, J., Weltevrede, P., Fender, R., Wijers, R., & The LOFAR Builders List (2011). Pulsars and fast transients with LOFAR. In M. Burgay, N. D'Amico, P. Esposito, A. Pellizzoni, & A. Possenti (Eds.), Radio Pulsars: An Astrophysical Key to Unlock the Secrets of the Universe: Chia (Sardinia), Italy, 10-15 October 2010 (pp. 325-330). (AIP Conference Proceedings; Vol. 1357). American Institute of Physics. [details]
    • Vreeswijk, P. M., Ledoux, C., Smette, A., Ellison, S. L., Jaunsen, A. O., Andersen, M. I., Fruchter, A. S., Fynbo, J. P. U., Hjorth, J., Kaufer, A., Møller, P., Petitjean, P., Savaglio, S., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2011). Rapid-response mode VLT/UVES spectroscopy of GRB 060418: conclusive evidence for UV pumping from the time evolution of Fe II and Ni II excited- and metastable-level populations (Corrigendum). Astronomy & Astrophysics, 532. [details]
    • Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2011). Trawling Transients with LOFAR. Bulletin - American Astronomical Society, 43.
    • ter Veen, S., Falcke, H., Fender, R., Hörandel, J. R., James, C. W., Rawlings, S., Schellart, P., Stappers, B., Wijers, R., Wise, M., & Zarka, P. (2011). FRATs: a search for fast radio transients with LOFAR. In M. Burgay, N. D'Amico, P. Esposito, A. Pellizzoni, & A. Possenti (Eds.), Radio Pulsars: An Astrophysical Key to Unlock the Secrets of the Universe: Chia (Sardinia), Italy, 10-15 October 2010 (pp. 331-334). (AIP Conference Proceedings; Vol. 1357). American Institute of Physics. [details]
    • van der Horst, A. J., Kouveliotou, C., Kamble, A. P., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2011). GRB 110205A: WSRT radio observation. GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 11663, 1. [details]


    • Kamble, A. P., van der Horst, A. J., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Rol, E., Kouveliotou, C., & Wiersema, K. (2010). GRB 100414A: WSRT radio detection. GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 10697. [details]
    • Paragi, Z., van der Horst, A. J., Granot, J., Taylor, G. B., Kouveliotou, C., Garrett, M. A., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Ramirez-Ruiz, E., Kuulkers, E., Gehrels, N., & Woods, P. M. (2010). EVN e-VLBI detections of MAXI J1659-152. The astronomer's telegram, 2906. [details]
    • van der Horst, A. J., Granot, J., Paragi, Z., Kouveliotou, C., Wijers, R. A. M. J., & Ramirez-Ruiz, E. (2010). GRB 100925A / MAXI J1659-152: WSRT radio and polarization detection. GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 11309. [details]
    • van der Horst, A. J., Granot, J., Paragi, Z., Kouveliotou, C., Wijers, R. A. M. J., & Ramirez-Ruiz, E. (2010). WSRT radio and polarization detection of GRB 100925A / MAXI J1659-152. The astronomer's telegram, 2874. [details]
    • van der Horst, A. J., Kamble, A. P., Paragi, Z., Kouveliotou, C., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Granot, J., Ramirez-Ruiz, E., Garrett, M. A., & Strom, R. (2010). WSRT radio observations of PTF10bzf. The astronomer's telegram, 2479. [details]
    • van der Horst, A. J., Kamble, A. P., Paragi, Z., Kouveliotou, C., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Granot, J., Ramirez-Ruiz, E., Garrett, M. A., & Strom, R. (2010). WSRT radio observations of SN 2010br. The astronomer's telegram, 2612. [details]
    • van der Horst, A. J., Kamble, A. P., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Rol, E., Kouveliotou, C., & Wiersema, K. (2010). GRB 100418A: WSRT radio detection. GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 10647. [details]
    • van der Horst, A. J., Wiersema, K., Kamble, A. P., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Rol, E., & Kouveliotou, C. (2010). GRB 100901A: confirmation of WSRT radio detection. GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 11256. [details]
    • van der Horst, A. J., Wiersema, K., Kamble, A. P., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Rol, E., & Kouveliotou, C. (2010). GRB 100901A: possible WSRT radio detection. GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 11221. [details]



    • Levan, A. J., Barclay, T., Bhirombhakdi, K., Burns, E., Cenko, S. B., Chrimes, A. A., D'Avanzo, P., D’Elia, V., Della Valle, M., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Fong , H., Fruchter, A. S., Gompertz, B. P., Hartmann, D., Hedges, C. L., Heintz, K. E., Izzo, L., Jakobsson, P., Jonker, P. G., ... Xu, D. (2022). GRB 221009A: Hubble Space Telescope observations. GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 32921. [details]
    • Levan, A. J., Barclay, T., Burns, E., Cenko, S. B., Chrimes, A. A., D'Avanzo, P., D’Elia, V., Della Valle, M., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Fong, W., Fruchter, A. S., Gompertz, B. P., Hedges, C. L., Heintz, K. E., Izzo, L., Kann, D. A., Kennea, J. A., Floc'h, E. L., Malesani, D. B., ... Xu, D. (2022). GRB 221009A: James Webb Space Telescope Observations. GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 32821. [details]


    • Anderson, G. E., Bell, M. E., Stevens, J., Hancock, P. J., Miller-Jones, J. C. A., Aksulu, M. D., Bahramian, A., Bannister, K. W., van der Horst, A. J., Ryder, S. D., Macquart, J-P., Plotkin, R. M., Rowlinson, A., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2020). GRB 200411A: ATCA 5/9 GHz radio observations. GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 27573. [details]
    • Bassa, C., Hessels, J., Kondratiev, V., Michilli, D., Pleunis, Z., Cooper, A., Gourdji, K., Rowlinson, A., & Wijers, R. (2020). A LOFAR high time resolution search for radio bursts from SGR 1935+2154. The astronomer's telegram, 13707. [details]
    • Uttley, P., den Hartog, R., Bambi, C., Barret, D., Bianchi, S., Bursa, M., Cappi, M., Casella, P., Cash, W., Costantini, E., Dauser, T., Diaz Trigo, M., Gendreau, K., Grinberg, V., den Herder, J-W., Ingram, A., Kara, E., Markoff, S., Mingo, B., ... Wise, M. (2020). An x-ray interferometry concept for the ESA Voyage 2050 programme. In J-WA. den Herder, S. Nikzad, & K. Nakazawa (Eds.), Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020 : Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray: 14-18 December 2020, online only, California, United States (Vol. 1). Article 114441E (Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering; Vol. 11444). SPIE. [details]
    • d'Antonio, D., Bell, M. E., Anderson, G. E., Stevens, J., Hancock, P. J., Miller-Jones, J. C. A., Aksulu, M. D., Bahramian, A., Bannister, K. W., van der Horst, A. J., Ryder, S. D., Macquart, J-P., Plotkin, R. M., Rowlinson, A., & Wijers, R. A. M. J. (2020). GRB 200219A: ATCA 5/9 GHz radio observations. GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, 27245. [details]


    Journal editor

    Talk / presentation


    • Wijers, R. A. M. J. (organiser), Hessels, J. W. T. (organiser), van den Heuvel, E. P. J. (organiser) & Hermsen, W. (organiser) (10-10-2016 - 14-10-2016). 11th INTEGRAL Conference. Leden SOC (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Wijers, R. A. M. J. (organiser) & Voss, J. (chair) (2016). Jeronimo Voss - Inverted Night Sky (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Wijers, R. A. M. J. (organiser) & Rea, N. (organiser) (2016). Transient Bormio 2016, Bormio. Leden SOC (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van den Heuvel, E. P. J. (chair), Wijers, R. A. M. J. (organiser), van Dongen, J. A. E. F. (organiser) & Tai, C. K. (organiser) (2016). Anton Pannekoek (1873-1960): Ways of Viewing Science and Society, Amsterdam. Lid SOC (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Connors, R. M. T. (2017). Accretion and jets from stellar-mass to supermassive black holes. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Gourdji, K., Rowlinson, A., Wijers, R. A. M. J. & Goldstein, A. (29-10-2021). Reproduction package for the paper "Constraining a neutron star merger origin for localized fast radio bursts". Zenodo.
    • Dijkema, T., Bassa, C., Kuiack, M., Jenniskens, P., Johannink, C., Wijers, R. & Fallows, R. (2021). Time-lapse of AARTFAAC detections of radio meteors in Perseids 2020. Zenodo.
    • Dijkema, T., Bassa, C., Kuiack, M., Jenniskens, P., Johannink, C., Wijers, R. & Fallows, R. (2021). Annotated data of simultaneous broadband radio and optical emission of meteor trains imaged by LOFAR / AARTFAAC and CAMS. Zenodo.
    • Shimwell, T. W., Rowlinson, A., Drabent, A., de Ruiter, I., Wijers, R., Leseigneur, G. & Intema, H. (2021). Reproduction package for 'Limits on long-timescale radio transients at 150 MHz using theTGSS ADR1 and LoTSS DR2 catalogues'. Zenodo.
    • Gourdji, K., Rowlinson, A., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Broderick, J. W., Shulevski, A. & Jonker, P. G. (2021). Reproduction package for "Searching for low radio-frequency gravitational wave counterparts in wide-field LOFAR data". Zenodo.


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  • Ancillary activities
    • Royal Astronomical Society
      Scientific Editor for Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
      - moderator, editor, editor in chief